This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Life Story
After my duty yesterday, I went down to Marina Square to watch a movie I will go all out for: millennium Actress.

This Japanese animation film is one of the show of Japanese Film Festival. The film itself is done in a documentary manner, mixed of the present character with events of the past. The actress herself, Chiyoko, is a fictional character but the real story of many successful actors and actresses.

She took on the filming career not because of fame or fortune. She took her first film in search of one very chanced aquitance in life. Ever since, her acting were merely the expression of her feeling that one person in life. And her acting had brought her to be the top notch actress of Japan.

What is commendable is not her acting skill and dramatic life. What was really a lesson for all was that, no matter what we do, we must have a target. Like Chiyoko, if not because of her persistence of finding her loved one, she would not have put in her heart and soul in acting. She would have only ended up being a disillusioned actress like that of her senior. We must have something in mind when doing anything. Without a goal to strive for, nothing great will be accomplish. We will be lost if we do not have a goal in life.

My goal now is endure the NS life and strive for the bright future for me to uncover after my university.

89 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/29/2003 03:52:00 pm

Finally, I'm clearing off and not stuck in camp.

Watch tons of movies (actually just 2...).

Did not touch my Japanese text. I think I'm really going to depend on my reserve for the test on 071203.

Ate buffet with another 2 comrades, and my stomach was stuffed with fishes again.

But what is funny was my experience with film. I watched swimming Pool (and downloading it onto my PC...). It had lots of sexual effects, and a real surprise to the ending. What was all through the story were merely made up. A novel of the main character, whom is a writer. If you are old enough, watch it for its story. French twist.

Here is the twist on me, I was actually required to show my ID when I buy my ticket to see this R-rated show. Man! I'm 22 this year and do I really look that young? That remind me that I was given similar treatment when I watched Matrix Reloaded NC16 version. That was worst. Do I look like a secondary school kid? Having a kiddy look maybe envy by some,but please consider the inconvenience when trying to do adult things. rrrr...

92 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/26/2003 08:12:00 am

Low Life
Yesterday, I came back from my guard duty at Sembawang Wharf. The place pretty much stay the same from the last time I left there. The NEX is a little more packed, and have less chips to sell, most probably because of the 2 ship loads of US Navy. Damn those American... I want my chips... (T-T)

The emptiness of the duty was suppose to give me sometime to ponder about stuff around me (i.e. meditation or plain zhuo bo lan). Lucky enough, I was partnered with this guy from my tank comrades bunk. We talked a lot on games, bikes and much more on Magic cards. Now I feel like playing that money emptying game again.

But 1 thing I learnt: never tick off people who has low esteem and high ego, i.e. my fucking son of the bitch slacking big lump of a fat irritating dysfunctional redundant coy store man. I was dead tired after my first shift of duty, and would really like to have some rest before the next day's duty. I intended to sleep early. Then, that lump of fucking shit came in and whine about who stole his second pillow (do fat fat people like him have the piority to sleep with more pillow? if so, my mum need 3...) and proceed to give a scolding to the poor guy who grab it 'cos he don't have one to use. That pissed me off. Next, that black shit started to talk with other Indians, while the rest of us are trying to sleep (yah, cos that shit and the other guy are only there to do store man, taking care of our ration... so important... fuck). My temper went hay wire (even though I my dosage that day) and jump down the bed, switch off the light. There goes the spark, the fat son of the sow and bitch started to enquire my action. I didn't give him a damn, as I couldn't bother him any longer, and pop into my bed. He started to scold me for being rude, uneducated and other sort. He thought I was scare to retaliate, and his scumb bags proclaim that I got "scolded" by him. How could you consider that a scolding when I was not even giving "it" a single tiny bit of attention. But still "it" was contented. I was too, as I could finally sleep.

The next day morning, that fucking lump of fat shit started yelling at me K1, as he think the "lowly educated and rude" should be. But I just finding it noisy (not even irrirtated), cos that only ending up disturbing. Did I mention that he only dare to call me that way, or even speak to me when the superior ain't around. All I did was do my own thing, and hurt him further by taking his low life existence less significant.

That fat wimp was only a bit of a bother, but I think the whole event taught me one thing. Low esteem Bastards like him, when ignored tends to take what they considered revenge. And what should we do? Nothing. That in itself will destroy them further. Giving them any sign of notice only make them feel important. Don't give attention seeker what they need.

Now, I start to think, am I an attention seeker myself? Please be aware of my action.

96 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/23/2003 08:52:00 pm

What You Wanna Do?
Did revamp the blog outlook, but fail to link a frontpage to it... Failure.

That's aside.

One of my comrade sold me his PAR2, but it doesn't work on my PS2. But this is not important.

What is important is his reason. He sold most of his stuff (almost needed a "everything must go" sign ^_^!!!), in an attempt to save up money to buy a hight performance camera. He have always been interested in photography. It's only that he have spent too much on his other hobby that forbid him from buying the essential tool needed for photography. He wants to concentrate on just one hobby.

This is exactly what I have always been bothered too. Having too many hobbies. I have a guitar at the corner of my room, wield a kendo buuken sometime, save up money to buy tons of model kits to build, had just bursted my space for Coke bottles and cans (really burst, no more space for anymore), while always hogging online, or play PC or video game, and even stir up the fire on the stove sometime. So many interest, so little time, so messy... Not to mention I still have a Japanese Language in December...

What is it that I really wanna do? Shall I specialise in just one hobby, or shall I be master of many and end up being none?

99 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/19/2003 09:13:00 pm

This's one of my frinend's favourite phase, and also the feeling I have now.

Actually the past few days was really not bad at all. I stayed over at my best friend's place during the Mid-Autum Festival night, drank sake, ate lots of senbai, played some sparkler before that, and saw the full luna despite the cloudy sky.

The next day was good too. Had a meal with my food loving comarades at MOS burger, follow by a nice home-made choco fudge.

But, it was terrible stupid chore to pick up litter at Army Half Marithon. Having to book-in by 1900, while moving out at 0100. Mad.

I'm too irritated to write anymore. Let me sign some more.

103 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/14/2003 03:45:00 pm

Aboard the Black Pearl
Just watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" with my brother. A fantastic show. Must write something about the movie.

It has a mad cap Johnny Depp playing an equally mad cap Jack Sparrow. He is the star, the core of the movie. His role's incompetance make him the biggest anti-hero I have seen in the movie, worse than his role in Sleepy Hollow. His stupidity last right till the very last moment of the show. He is the show, Orlando is nothing compare to this 40 year old kid.

BUT, a big BUT, there is something very in-American in this movie. There is only 1 kissing scence in the entire movie. 1 and only 1!!!!!!!!!!!

And when today ends, 106 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/10/2003 07:23:00 pm

Mars, Stagitarus, Luck?
Mars has never been so near to earth before, and it had certainly brought so bad, while a little luck to Mars zodiac like Stagitarus. I have gain a little from there.

Done my registration for Japanese exam on Monday, having enough time to go for window shopping, before talking a look at Mum at hospital. She is very much back to the pre-operation days, handicapped, yet positive. That also mean I still have to take over the chores at home...

Finally, I was back in camp. Visited the Changi Chapel for excursion. Most goons don't appreciate that place. I took much notice of how ang moh suffered in WWII. I even pray a little in front of the altar, despite I'm a little anti-Christ (i trust Buddihsm more).

Then, my days of ammo escort started. Manage to plug my VCD player in to another TV, cos the COS room's one can't activate the video channel. Though lack the personalise touch, can do lah. BUT, mishaps, that TV spoil! So, I was thinking I have to waste my VCDs, knowing that no one will like to see my weird collection of moives (anyone like french w/ japanese babe Hirosue Ryoko) and Japanese serial drama. But, all those people in the camp are occupied with their stuff, and I was all alone in front of the TV. HA HA HA HA. So, luck was still on my side some how...

And, with not much mishap, I passed SOC (no more SOC, no more IPPT, today is our book out day, du da... opps, overboard...), with the help of my dear comarade and the lucky thing that OC wasn't around (he is a rigteous man, you know), I manage to cheat my way out of that stupid thing. You know what, once I clear that, I need not run another time in my life!! (except if we were ever activated for Ops...). Form that time on, I paced that cockster Indian for his run, and he finished it with a pass. Anyway, who cares... NS only what...

Once again, those suckers in camp give troubles to us A-level kid. But anyway, not worth mentioning.

Then again, due to the fact that by Monday, everyone was back in camp, I had this tea party at my comarade's bunk (he has his own bunk, due to some mishap...). We ate mooncakes, and talk trash. Not all crap actually. We talked somehting about luck and its scienctific theory related to gravity. I will cover that later.

But, bad luck do befall, not on me. It was on my buddy. He was selected for a Sergeant course. Nobody wanna go, having in mind that we have all fisnish our evalutaion. When my power hungry self was roaming, I hope to to be selected. But, you know, that self of mine had cause me too much trouble. So, it was lucky for me soe how. Yet, the feeling of disappointment creeps up. I want nobody around me, especially my comarades. I was still thinking that my dream life of doing COS duty and guard will come true. Now a dash have landed on the name of my unfortunate comarades.

Before I come back, I went to Mirama Hotel with 3 comarades for Japanese food buffet. That restaurant must really hated us by then. 4 soldiers, paying $30 each, nearly eaten about $100+ of food. I myself gorge down 2 big plates of sashimi, with lots of salmon (yah, it is not really authentic), with some of the best tuna and octopus I had so far, and lots more variety of fish that you can only have the heart to eat only at buffet. I also had this vegi tempura, oden. As for my comarades, they gorge down lots of curry rice & sushi(not a good tatic for buffet though) and some fried prawns. But the best (and possiblely most evil part) of the meal is that, we were given these complimented stuff. They were really not bad you know. But, it may actually have this hidden intent to give us the que that we have enough for the day, and the restaurant is making a lost already... But all and all, I like the place. It really suits its name ikoi, which mean leisure in Japanese. Eating is both a leisure and pleasure.

I watched this animation, The Vision of Escaflowne, during my stay in camp. I was attracted to it because at first because of the nvide mecha. But, the addiction was actually the story. Luck, human relationship, and gravity is the main theme. The female heroine was transported to the other world all becuase she have this chronical thought in her mind, while the tide od war can be altered by the chage of affinity of the heros. This is very scentific. Gravity exists between in each of us. How we think in our mind do have affect on the people in our mind. This is the main lay man thesis. It will be a long eassy if I go on. But what my mum had gone through, she had shown me that it is true. Her positive view of the situation had actually influenced other to gain stregth to fight on. I thanks her for that, and hopw I can give strength to others as well. LIfe is a matter of support ing and be supported.

Mars, give me strength!

107 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 9/10/2003 12:09:00 pm