This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Will I Regret?
I dropped by my lab, and try my luck to find my mentor to ask her about FYP, after my 2nd round of interview with Toshiba.

The interview was good, 2 sessions, while 1 even mention the possible scenario of working in broad daylight in Malaysia, the other one ended with the interview commenting "not bad" in Japanese.

Back at the lab, my mentor was already don't know how many miles away in China already, and so I left. Before I exit, the lab tech was asking why am I in business attire, and I told him about the job at Toshiba.

He commented: 3 years contract, not a short one. What if you do not like it?

And right to the moment decide to blog this, I was still a little pondered by this question.

But, why would I not like it? Yes, things can get tough, but having been through some of the worse time before, I should at least give it a try to fufil my dream.

There is no room for regret, only rooms to shape myself into excellence.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 1/29/2008 11:14:00 am

Some How, It will works in My Way
Doing experiment and sample in lab is a boring matter, and you can't wait to move on to the next activity of the day.

And some how, it seems to move on with what ever you have in mind.

Say today morning, I had 2 hour to finish one set of sample, and when I see that it was less than 1/2 hour left for my sample to reach the desired temperature, around 60 degree more to go, I start to worry if I would make it in time for me to attend a talk about emerging industry (i.e. future job position in-case Toshiba rejects me).

But some how, the heating process went smoothly, and I finished the experiment right on time.

Then, just now, while I have a recruitment talk in 4 hour's time, I was not quite willing to do 2 set of sample within the time frame. Not that I can't do it, I just don't feel like.

But on the flip side, I have 4 hour to spare, and the last thing I want to do is go back to hostel, wait for time to past, and then walk uphill to the talk venue. On top of that, I have a lab-mate who is going also, so it ain't gonna be very nice to go there before him, given that I won't stay for the post-talk reception already (yes... I don't care what caterer it is, I rather eat a dinner cooked by myself than at 8+pm then those food).

And some how, the appartus screw up a little, and it took around an hour+ to solve that, leaving me not enough time to do a 3rd set of the day, but enough time to write this post.

In a way, I am not surprised about this sort of things. A major part of my life works this way so far, but it is jsut too good to be true sometime. If there is really karma in this world, I am fearful that I had used up my good karma too early in life, and things will turn out against my way in life's more important event.

Then again, just worrying and ranting here won't change much, no one knows exactly what will happen the next day. In a way, having been so lucky so far, I should teach myself not to take things for granted.

Lead it my way, and my way shall not be anything less of hardwork to make it work in my way.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 1/16/2008 05:40:00 pm

When Is Our Turn?

Saw this article after my interview with Toshiba today:

Soon to be a material engineer proper, and specialise in plastic, I really can't help to think of the harm some of my predessor had done on the environment, rather than the convenience the invention of cheap plastic had brought along. When things get cheap, people no longer pay attention to it, and trash them whenever they want.

Singapore had took a tiny, winny step to tackle the problem, not providing plastic bags to shoppers on some Wednesday at local supermarket. That had, and will never solve the problem. We locals are just too dumb and ignorant about the problem, and the people on top play along to please us. Their boss is telling them to encourage less usage of platic bag, but the same time they are giving 2 bags to carry a 'heavy' merchendise.

This is total bullshit.

I remember someone was quoting how inconvenient is to dispose of garbage in coutries like the West and Japan, where you have to separate out everything. But in my head, I just call them idiots.

China was doing that when I was there, and often times the locals call them backward. Now, you tell me who are the backward, modern cavemen.

In this sort of situation, when will be our turn to curb this problem?

Let's just hope it is not too late, when the day that our island is going to be submerged in the ocean in a month's time.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 1/09/2008 05:39:00 pm

1st of Last
Happy New Year to all, this year which mark the final year of my
campus life has started. And I decide to start with what I missed
every year, the outdoor countdown with my friends. Seeing a fireworks
that is grander than National Day is definitely a blasting start. I
also go on to receiving exchange student at their hall, and while
waiting, i wrote this post, which is why There's noparagraph for this
whole chunk of words.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 1/02/2008 08:50:00 pm