This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Shut Up

Sometime, or should I say every time, I tends to talk too much.

I tends to forget, we have only 1 mouth, 'cos we are intended to speak less, listen more and observe more. We are meant to talk less, especially for someone like me, who tends to get into trouble with my mouth more than anything.

So, with today's incident at work, it's a very good time to remind myself of something very important, before I get into more trouble.


// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/14/2009 02:08:00 pm