This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Drill into Your Head
Have you ever hear a song that make you want to hear it more than 10x, non-stop?

This is one:

Get the sweet sound of shamisen into your head.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/28/2007 10:45:00 pm

Exam Heat
Yes, it's exam time for me (9 month's later, sai lou will join me to suffer this again HAHA), and it happen to be the hottest season right now.

Literally and indirectly.

Indeed, if not for the occasional afternoon shower, my room will be like a oven, so much so I have to flock to the hall's study to study.

That is done to drive me away from my laptop also...

Indirectly, this exam period is packed with friction that heat things up.

1st off, things that spoilt. It starts with my home desktop monitor, that goes ka-boom and black out all of sudden. Now, my watch dropped my the floor, and the glass crack. Both of these have to be left hanging because I am having exam.

2nd, hick up's. On my first paper, I woke up 15 min late, and ended up rush for exam. Then, I received a mail from my prof today that my assignement was not submited, when I actually did. Now I had to send hime the report again, and risk getting lower marks for it.

With these 2 great event to spice up my exam period this year, I have really no words on what kind of luck I am getting.

Hope it will compensate me by giving me better moderation for my course after that, and let me a good chill after that.

(Update [23/4]: while my exam seems alright at the moment, the bad luck continues... the symphony concert of game music I wanted to watch, all ticket sold out already...)

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/21/2007 06:10:00 pm

Always from There
There is something wrong with Hong Kong media when comes to news on Singapore.

Last time, they say the government will catch and cane those who eat chewing gum. Right...

There was also once when they spread news of here banning Coke... siao... We have a Coke factory just around the corner of NTU.

Now, even more dumb. They are saying we are banning the usage of PRC search site Baidu. The report quoted that the ministry ban the usage to curb illegal download.

Very funny, I was just doing search on there say a miniute ago...

For god sake, nowadays, I think it is over THERE where a lot of rediculous event is happening. They station police at pedestrian crossing in downtown to catch jaywalkers; They are banning more site than over here on the Internet; They are catching P2P programme users more often, and for more minor charges here.

So, why are they pointing fingers at us? I don't know... some of you tell me... I don't want to bad-mouth my not-so-beloved birth place too much...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/09/2007 06:45:00 pm