This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Today is a public holiday for the Indians, Deepavali. It is known as the festival of light. No surprise though, because they are afraid of the dark (racist joke).

I've got something some my younger aunt yesterday. It was a collection of travel information for Tokyo. (Thankz, gu ze ^0^). They are very useful in terms of transport. She also wrote a letter to me regarding some traveling suggestions, and some well wishes for lou ma zi.

Talking about my mother, she went for her first radiotherapy session yesterday (that explain why I stayed a little longer yesterday, and the result of my fortune). She seems to have no problem coping with it. whew... Hope her future session will go on just as smoothly.

262 days and counting... (or minus 200 days to the day we rise...)

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/24/2003 06:35:00 pm

Lost and Gain
I just came back from a trip to Yishun SAFRA Club. It was supposed to be a trip organised by the company for us to enjoy ourselves, but some monkeys, as usual, screw themselves up. One of the blackies almost had a big quarrel with one of my superior too.

Those stuff aside.

What intrigued me was the experienced at the club house.

I want down to the bowling alley. There was this school that booked all the lanes till 1 pm. That marks the end of my cheap bowling game. The discount offers from 11 to 1.

Next, at the gaming arcade. I pay 2 bucks for 4 tokens. I played the games, but I sucks in all of them. Wasted. There were also this nice action figure for sale, but I was totally broke this month.

Then the turning point. At the fruit machine room, I watched my camp mates played on this machines. They played with $20 and have earned some decent $$$. My turn, with $10+ in my hand. It started out quite bad, putting me to think that I will have some major bad luck to start my long weekend. But, when I was left with my last 3 dollar coins, I started to win. The windfall rose bigger, until I won a total of $20+!!! That neatly covers the hand phone bill, and left me with some cash to spend. Whew.

This whole thing was a real-life demonstration of the famous Chinese proverb 赛翁失马. But that merit I gain is really a big one. heh heh...

63 days and counting... (should 200 days to it as that will be my disruption date...)

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/23/2003 05:15:00 pm

I watched my first ever pay concert on last Sunday. It was the Oda Kazumasa Asia tour "kira kira".

Many would have said I was mad. I pay $149 for my ticket. But I've got the front seats (though it was only a few metre away from the speaker...) and I enjoyed it very much.

It had been 11 years ago since Oda-san had made his previous trip to Singapore. There was even one of the audience whom brought along the little girl in her when she was still pregnant watching the previous concert. Quite touching actually (^_^)

The performance was super! Oda-san have that sort of stage charisma that glue you to his performance. Even though I heard most of the songs on my CD, it did not stop me from enjoying the show, singing along to the songs. I feel like a true groupie for the first time.

He also had this sense of humour, that is enhanced by his ablility to speak fluent English. He poke fun at his age, and always spout mo man tai. He even shoot a small clip of his misadventure touring Singapore. That was the best intermission I have ever seen in a concert.

Despite writing so much, I still feel that there is not enough words that can truly tell you all about the concert. You can only experience it once (despite the fact that i left halfway through the encore to rush back to camp... army life sucks...) and that experience stay with you. It might be contradicting, but there is nothing you can do to replay the experience in any form.

That is the beauty of good live concert. Thank you, Oda-san.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/23/2003 04:41:00 pm

The idea of writing this blog in the first place, is to record down the thoughts and what happened in my life.

However, when you finally have time to sit down to write down something, you might just forgot what you had in mind...

This is happening to me very often this week. It is not like I do not have any interesting events or thoughts, it is just that they could not last in my mind to the moment I edit my blog... These are what's left behind...

Things like my brother was so boring after his promo, that he have to dug up a villain mobile suit model kit (from my cousin) in order to kill time, despite it is out of our collection. I helped him finished the kit yesterday night, and it is standing right next to me now. I also fooled him into buying a new model kit... (oh, how wicked i'm sometime, and i just love to make others spend money... ha ha ha ha...)

luo ma zi went for the marking out of the area of exposure for the radiotherapy yesterday, and she have to spend 1 whole hour motionless on the bed why the markings were draw on her body. It was almost like doing a tattoo on her body. I cannot imagine the discomfort she went through. I would certainly die because my hyper-active syndrome will most probably put me to a fix half way through. I don't have stamina to stay in one position for too long, despite the training I received when I was punished to stand in the canteen during recess when I was still in Hong Kong. The reason was that I was too noisy in class. I had no such complain then ever since I came to Singapore.

luo dao also went to Vietnam (yah, no joke) for a business trip. This is the first time I had ever heard in my life, but he will be back in few hours time. He was there to learn the technique of using a new scaffolding material. Plastic is used instead of woods, which result in a lowered cost, as wood planks are expensive. luo dao had always been thinking of the same thing, as he too realize how much money was wasted by the use of wood for scaffoldings at construction site. All thanks to fellow (i mean in the future...) material engineers, such advancement was made possible.

So these are the things I dug up to fill this blog. Not bad, they just come along as I write.

But, would that mean I have to start every blog complaining how little things I can write?

67 days and counting... (real world start after that)

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/18/2003 05:30:00 pm

Quite boring and unoccupied in camp in the past few days (which is good). Even skipped a chance to swim 'cos replaced someone else. Enjoy my afternoon playing video game in camp. Unusual way of spending in camp.

But this isn't the true way of life. What is?

Will I be doing what the people I sometimes despise do? Doing nothing the right way, yet enjoying more joy of being not working?

Or will I be the one always on the ball, but feeling being arrowed in the end, feeling more depressed by doing the right thing in the end?

Will I ever figure out?

69 days and counting... (but what will happen after that?)

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/16/2003 08:16:00 pm

Today's Chinese newspaper talked about some common SMS diseases Singaporean suffers. One of which, couples can't sort out problem face to face, and had to resolve to using SMS, as they lack the confidence of discussing such difficult topics in words. (The test/survey was conducted by Siemens)

Recent movies also shows actor speaking in various language. Jackie Chan muffles English, Anglelina Jolie speaks Chinese that makes you thanks the subtitles, while Hugo "Agent Smith" Weaver speak the Elvish tongue with on screen daughter (the ever lovely, makes you drool like waterfall) Liv Tyler. Even Tom Cruise will be pronoucing all the AIUEO in Japanese. Words out of their native tongue is used in Hollywood movies or wanna-be to add the "International Touch".

We learn to speak, to read, all in the goals of using the right words to convey our feelings and needs. However, it is often the unspeakable that speaks more than words.

We can be so happy that we are 'lost for words'. That was what happened when luo ma zi ate the cake yesterday. It is not that the cake is very delicious. It is rather the fact that the whole family could be there, and have been there for her despite the past ordeal.

By presenting a bouquet of rose to a girl, the girl will definitely knows that you have a special feeling for her (regardless is it vice versa...).

Unfortunately, words is the basic form of communication. I'm not very well with my words, and ended up conveying the wrong ideas to others.

When will I learn to speak as shrew as my brother... "Sign"

73 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/13/2003 03:04:00 pm

Bad Resume
Receive a very bad call just now.

I have to go back to resume my guard duty, cause the superiors got the manpower messed up!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dsyfunctional regular soldiers...)

Man, I ordered the cake, and now I have to wait till tomorrow.

Not to mention that, I just wake up after playing on my PS2 the entire night. I was hoping that I could finish my game the moment I wake up.

Why me?

OK, let say that I can't escape what I should do.

Now, I start to feel a tiny bit better... But thinking of those bastard I will chance upon in camp later, I feel more worked up than before.

Stop right there, you have a good set of roast duck noodle and stir-fried dao miao waiting for you for breakfast. Cheer up...

And 75 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/11/2003 09:13:00 am

Bloody X Homey
The past few days were all panic. Confusion ended today morning. The coy was activated.

It was 0500, everyone was ready as we all know about it before hand, but still I was very tired. It was also raining. I travel down the vehicle shack, only have to go back to the office to take something for my platoon sergeant, all in the midst of the rain. Finally, when the platoon were ordered to walk down the other end of the vehicle shack, something real bloody happen. Looking down, real tired, I knocked onto something real hard: a tank 75mm gun barrel muzzle. I thought it merely make a bump on my head, but it was worse. Blood drip down my forehead. The amount was so much that I have no choice but to lick it out of my mouth (and as usual it quench my unusual thirst for blood...). All the Cs and Ss got panic and call for the medic. But honestly, I don't feel any great pain, but the amount of blood that sip into the gauze shows a total different case. The final verdict was that is was a very bad contuse wound. No bone fracture, no deep cut. I became the laughing stock for the rest of the day, be it commanders (especially my f***ing CSM...) and men (especially those who never see eye to eye with me...). Damn...

Back the bunk, the blood rage did not stop, and I was agitated by this usual son of someone, that white Indian fucker. He keep asking how I get my wound. I became real irritated, and scolded the "forbidden" Canton bad word that mean whole family die. One of the other blacky understand it, and the whitel one come and irritated me some more. OK, I snapped again... I throw peanut at him... He bring his gang, and scolded me the Indian version... I fuck care them. After all these commotion, my buddy gave me a lecture (which I think I deserve...) for my rash action.

He pin pointed one very weakness of me, unable to rebuke intelligently, i.e. not keeping a cool mind when disturbed. This is a very important point I must really work on, or it could really unmake me. Thanks buddy, for your persistent helpfulness in getting me out of trouble.

that's all for the bloody day.

When we were waiting to book out (and HQ PS started his waiting game...) and when he read out the list of guard of tomorrow, I was not the list. What a present surprise! Someone have to do extra duty, and replaced me? Wow... that mean I will have to do 0 guard duty for this stand-by duty.

On the down side, it was too late to order the cake from The Patissier (i didn't order it on Tue, as I was planning to eat the cake on the actual day...) for tomorrow as it takes 2 day for the order to be complete... So the hype sinks.

All and all, I will be staying at home for the next few days, having the dinner on Sun, with my close family friends, while not able to enjoy the great cake till next Sat... Now, that's homey (^_^!!!

And 76 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/10/2003 05:13:00 pm

Stand By
Actually, things been going two way this week or so.

I went to meet my good friends whom I am going to Japan with. As usual, the discussion started proper after rounds of Zeon vs Ferderation. But, it is only when three minds focus on the trip, that we discover a lot more we have to prepare for the trip. Where is the embassy of Singapore in Japan? How many days we really need to spend in shopping? How long will it take us to get to the hotel from the infamously inconvenient Narita Airport? Shall we take the morning or night flight? There is much more than I have expected to prepare. It was well thought that we start our planning this early. Must collect more information from my Younger Aunt, as she had just went to the places I intended to go. hee... free info...

Back in camp, I have this feeling the coming stand by duty will be like no others.

First, I burnt my Sat for doing guard duty in camp. Haven't I done enough during the last three weeks?

Then, rumors of how we will be turn-out for inspection swarm around the company. If all these were to go on for a few more weeks, I might just ended up the state I was. The suspend is killing me! (some one cut my rope please, I hate to be hanging...)

lou ma zi is suppose to celebrate her birthday this weekend! What am I going to do?

But a midst all these confusion, a little good news. My buddy/comrade in camp had a bad quarrel with the few guys in my bunk. I thought the cold war over a small thing will wages on. Luckily, they patched up, very significantly. The other guy actually pointed out it was all silly misunderstanding. sign, finally I do not have to split myself to be with people I care enjoy their company.

79 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/07/2003 08:25:00 pm

My last duty was finally over, and it is Sunday today. Family day.

Breakfast at my favourite prata shop (opp my old home at Yishun, along Sembawang Rd, near that drive thru M), went down to Beach Road to burn my money after my promotion i.e. sew rank. The prata filled my stomach at first, but it bloated after two tall cup of tea. I felt very uncomfortable all the way while waiting at Golden Mile Market...

Saw a weirdly dress girl. Short tights, big haversack, big Timberland track shoe. She look like sci-fi game character, or Lara Craft (my bro's comment). I think she look like character in Kingdom Hearts (game collaboration between Disney and then Squaresoft, now square-enix), i.e. like Mickey Mouse...

Went down to Turf City, but the flea market was a flop. Instead I found a CD shop that sell China version of Chinese CD. It is cheap. They sell French release of English CD also, which at the most cost $14+. I bought a collaboration CD between Vanessa-Mae with Glay's leader TAKURO. A present surprise to hear Glay J-rock sound played with violin. Their style were close and the chem was perfect. But the effect of the sound is a bit bad though. luo ma zi said nothing when she saw my trophy of shopping. She can say nothing despite knowing how much I had spent this month. I had less then 1 month of saving left, after not transferring to my other saving accounting for 3 months. My excuse, I am buying things I normally will buy at end of the year, say calendar?

This is something I have not done in a long time. True family fun. We enjoy it today after a lots of obstacles we had cleared. My depression, lou dao's job crisis, luo ma zi's cancer problem (only my bro got problem, as far as we know...). Now I truly believe that there's a silver lining on the cloud (i forgot the phrase...^_^!!!) Hope the bright sky get brighter in the days to come.

81 days and counting...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/05/2003 03:59:00 pm