This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Let it be the best for you, too
20th week into my internship at Beijing CCS, and I can say I am quite willing to return to the company in future.

Just a few days ago, I saw the lists of people from my faculty who is coming over. Among which, there is this pair of couple, which will take over my job.

Wise move of them coming together, I saw 2 cases of breakage among this batch already.

Then again, I decide to make the initiative to contact them, and clear their queries about the co. In the end, I chat with the guy (the gal no Internet access at home) for like the whole evening, telling him more or less what I have gone through in BJCCS so far, and what I am unlikely to finish in the next 2 weeks, and they have to help me with it. He also browse through my album on MSN also, getting to know me by name and face, finally, after being in the same lecture hall for the past 1 year, last semester.

This sort of rountine is quite normal, I did the same thing for the Dutch crew when they went to Singapore, and we are still friend in contact in Beijing now.

I admit I can be rather over zealous, but I have learnt as things move on.

My motive: let it be the best for them, too

I want these group of people to enjoy themselves in their stay at my old turf, 'cos I definately enjoyed mine.

I expect no return, as long as they have a good memories, I am contented.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/25/2006 01:38:00 pm

Common Interest
Maybe is me being too bored in 北京, or I am being desparate again... I met this gal from 北大, who is attached, and so I wanted to go for it when I heard she's in bad term with the boyfriend, but as things move on, she's too busy with school work, and the two patch up also. So, I just stay at where I am now, stay away.

The thing is, I have this dumb frequency of falling in love at first sight. At the slight similarity in interest, I see hope. This was the case, as she like Jap music, and Nakashima Mika also, and so I thought...

Though it is advised by my horoscope, that I should find someone with common interest, it seems so hard in the end. No matter how much I believe something is destined, something like horoscope, this one I am passing.

No matter how much interest 2 person may share, it seems that the basic interest of life, i.e. life itself, is the more important factor. I am still too unsure of my future.

The only thing I know I am moving towards a Kidult, and it's not the best thing to be. It seems to be a quite selfish identity.

My ideal gal, as I describe in my language lesson yesteday, like a electric fan, comfy feeling, yet not always there, and need my gudiance, by pressing button. By I find this very childish and controlling, if I am mature enough, she should be like an air-con on auto mode, where by she control how much to give me also, just like the themosat that set the temperature, making it something I can't control.

But as you can see, I am still not sure of what my life interest is about.

Serve me right for not finding a girlfriend...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/18/2006 06:04:00 pm

Why Rant?
Recently, from the MSN nickname of some of my fellow GIP participants (i'm starting to resent to use the term 'friends' already... why? later.... after I finish GIP), showing something that irk me a little.

They are all so impatient to go home, like it's their ORD date.

Man, if you fucking finding it such a bloody dread to stay in Beijing, don't cheebai apply for it in the first place? There are tons of better deserving people who wants to come over.

Why make it such a big deal you are going to end this soon? Miss your girlfriend/boyfriend? Miss your family? Miss your friend? Miss your dog? Bullshit, as if I don't... I have a family like anyone coming here.

Instead of making a fuss, why not enjoy every single day? There is always something to learn form each day, each hour, each minute, each second. What you want to get is up to how you want to get it.

So, you people have made the choice already, why rant?

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/01/2006 09:55:00 pm