This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Ever since I have my new wireless, high speed Internet connection, life at home is changed

Say, I can now use Internet in my room, closed door, finally...

It's on almost 24/7 , so is my online RPG...

I can download song, PV, movie like nobody business, I even got the latest Japan drama staring Kimura Takuya..

I even look up my places to visit in my Hong Kong trip next week...

In no time, I will be submerged in an Internet frenzy...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/29/2005 10:59:00 pm

Exam finally started, first paper ended, got hope will pass, as the paper is real difficult... Just hope some of those smarter student find it hard also...

Yesterday while consulting my Maths tutor with that local cutey, who in same class as mine, my tutor thought we were brother and sister... I don't mind really though...

Today morning, at the exam venue, I thought I saw that Chengdu gal, but turn out her paper was at the othere end of the school... Am I some fa qi?

I just had dinner, which is Korean instant noodle with cuttle fishballs, all brought from Nanyang Supermarket, the campus's own supermarket... And it cost as much as eating at canteen

For two days, there had been thunder during the evening time, but none really rain... It only rained today, when I was walking to my next exam venue in the afternoon...

My rooms is having so much mosquito that my legs have more bite marks than the max numbers of pimples on my face at any single time in my life so far... And I can do nothing about it...

Lots of (^_^!!! events this week...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/15/2005 07:48:00 pm

Free, or Not?
OK, first off, my condolense to all the Christian for their lost of their great leader, John Paul II. He is one of those great Christian that have some sense of religious unity.

Back in hall, something about freedom of living away from home.

Yah, at home, if you turn on the music too loud, sleep too late, do nothing, etc, etc, you are sure to be nagged by your old man/woman.

But does that mean you can do all these things when you are in hall? Does freedom of action means anything to them? What do they understand from the word liberty?

It's definately not doing anything you want, regardless of your neighbour, not to say neighbours' feeling. That is not democratic, that is call being a big jerk...

I hope I had done OK so far in my own rights while comparing with others...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 4/04/2005 10:00:00 am