This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

A World of Difference
3rd day into my temp job with WACE2007 crew, catch up with the ever helpful lady who had taken care of us in Beijing away in NTU, and meet up with a Hong Kong girl who choose an extraordinary path of working in Singaore.

That's aside, what is more important is the difference in people from all around the world I have seen.

As usual, the Western world is the best people to serve. They can be fake in terms of their well-mannerism, but at least this would spur us return the favor and practise our good manner, and act extremely professional, even as a small fry at the event.

As for the East, they are really a hard crowd to serve. Due to the refurbishment system over there, they make request for things like recepit, cert of participantion, etc, etc, etc. This make our job thrice as troblesome.

It is time they learn some thing from the west in big event like this, and these includes more than manner.

In a session I worked at, it took place in a form of disscussion and feed back, and even a staff like me was asked to join in. The discussion went well with the western crowd, which include me being the non-typical Asian counterpart.

Why non-typical?

'Cos when 2 delgates from Thai enter and were asked to join in the discussion, they were very quiet, not contributing, nor existing in the crowd initially. It was only later on that one of them contribute a little to the session.

As for the ever quiet one, he gave a very polite reason: oh, I am new to the session, and it is rude for me to interupt the conversation. I guess, most of Asian are still too polite in the wrong way.

Honestly, I am not trying to be critical but as the world get global, not matter how much barrier in are there in English, the attitude to get involve is still very much lacking. If we do not even try to get ourselves involve, like the other Thai lady in the session, what's the significant of being there in the global event? To hear is not the way to learn, as we can only learn it well when we truely be part of it, and adapt to it.

Something I had learn in my Beijing days.

The world will be still very much difference, but as it get flatter, some one will need to bridge the gap, and it will be up to us to fill the role.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/28/2007 09:02:00 pm

Since I started a new MMORPG again, I led a boring life style of gaming till lou dao come back, as I am using his laptop.

Life in gaming world is boring cycle of quest, training, and more training. So many resort to do this through other means. Be it using home-made programme, or outsource to third world or developing country, these are all illegal means that not only harm the gaming company, but also the gamers in game as it overload the server.

The saddest thing is not that people are using these devious means.

The most unfortunate thing is how numb the players become. The reporting process is rather simple, but people choose not to use it, and rebuke that it is useless.

Whether it is useless or not, but to have such a lifeless notion of not giving a try, this is no-life.

I rather get tired out trying, and not wait till the game get infested and start screamming, like many I have seen in past MMORPG community.

Another issue is how lack of respect people behave in-game.

There are always lower-than AI players that do not responds to your warning, taking your monster kill, wasting your time.

Also, the gamers these days are too much. They want quality, but they never want to pay. Is there really free lunch in the world? Guess not, as there are always other game they can play for free.

What have life of gamers become these days? I don't know. As long I play with a heart and enjoy myself, I am contented.

As long as I don't become No-Life, that is.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/22/2007 10:02:00 pm

Nostalgic Taste
Actually, last weekend should be a nice one, if not spoilt by my temper. My family went out to the all-new, Swiss-owned Marche at Vivo City.

lou ma zi saw the managers buying stuff at the kitchen store, so from that point on, we know the original Swiss owners means business, ready to back up the brand name the group behind Heeran and Vilage had spoilt over the past few years.

In case you all do not know, the 1st Marche at Heeran was actually franchise the mall's management, which in turn franchise to the staff, making it a hawker centre management in the end. Movenpick, the owner of Marche got so fed up that they took back the name, but not without leaving Heeran outlets to the Heeran managment.

As I said before, Singaporean do not know how to handle F & B business that well, so such a mishap is bonrne to happen.

So, at the new outlet at Vivo, we find more than the taste of Marche, and so much more.

They actually serve sai lou's favourite brand of beers in German, with the same quality. Though it cost more than 3 times of a normal beer, it is worth it, coupled with the great food served there.

My reccomandation: anything except the salad.

Thank you Movenpick for bringing the meaning of taste back to Singapore western food scene.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/16/2007 11:59:00 pm

Curb My Temper, NOW
Till now, I finally realise what is wrong with me all this while. It is not about my look, nor my heart, that have me being single out till now.

My temper.

Short it is, irritated by the smallest thing at home. Often times I can curb it down outside, but in my most personal time at home, in front of my family, I just lose it.

Just tonight, I was being a total idiot when setting up the Setup box for cable. I begun to lost my last ounce of sanity and keep whining at sai lou and lou dao, asking them "cannot lah, how?" and not thinking what is there an alternate availible solution.

It is only when everyone goes to sleep, left alone the manual, the TV and myself, that I finally set up everything to function well enough.

This is just the many occasion I lost my temper in front of my family, often over the most fucking idiotic stuff at home.

Today, my family, namely my parents and sibling can withstand me, or have got no choice but to do so, and the matter will be over next day, or so it may seems. In future, my other half, be it during the dating stage or married stage, such outburst is the very spark that could set off a bigger reaction. If I don't write this down and tell myself to crub my temper tonight, and to look at it over and over again in life, I will be repeating the same act over and over again, hurting myself more in the end. Each time I let my emotion run wild, the harder for myself to keep it in check.

Control it, or lose it. Start today, and not regret the rest of my life, NOW!!!

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/10/2007 01:44:00 am

Can I handle It?
Everyday, parents travel with their young children, and these little angels are often pettie deveil in diguse.

They don't sit properly, talk at the top of their voice, running in the train/bus, etc, etc. They have unlimited tricks up their sleeves, and never fails to irritates the people around them.

Except their own parents.

I see this mother could just sit there staring in the blank, when his kids is shoutting out the name of every MRT station the train stops at, audible from the next carriage.

In the end, it is not a matter of having children or not, but a matter of handling them, discipline them to behave apporiately in public places, and not to make themselves a nusiance to others. What they think is OK today will only make them to do more inconsiderate acts in future, when people will no longer fogive them just because they are young. The limit is set not when they start to get stares from others, but from the very moment they enter the vicinity.

But after talking so much, the big Q is, can I handle it in future? Will my short temper works well in keeping my kids in-place in future? Or will my wife be able to understand this whole idea of the cause and consequence such acts?

Let me ask myself this when I look back at this when the day do comes.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/01/2007 10:30:00 am