This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
Death... Re-birth?
My purple loving comrade visited Hikki's site, and is very much thrilled by the amount of purple used. He simply love it.
I myself do not favour purple (even I downloaded that purple screensaver, it was just to get updated with Utada's screensaver collection...), but it is definately the colour of royalty (the darker shade), yet it is the colour of gay (the lighter shade).
However, my focus today ain't about the colour.
It is what the colour is related to one flower: Forget-Me-Not.
This very name is something I think the deceased will hope the living to do, or is it not?
I myself is one that fear death. I have dreams of leading an eternal life. I would not pay for it with my soul though, but I would like to see the world for the better or worse.
I have heard, seen and read a numbered of events regarding death recently.
One of my comrade's cousin was put to death after serous battle with disease.
The starting chapters of my recent Cai Lan book is about the death of his elder brother in Singapore, and a friend, whom is the boss of an restaurant in Hong Kong. (note: Cai Lan is a Singaporean) The way the furneral is being handled in the two places is very much different. Yet, both give him a simliar thought of what lead on after that.
He himself heard stories where the deceased appears in dreams to feedback about the leaking of his roof, as there were a few hole stab on the roof for easier burning.
True or not, we tends to comfort ourselves regarding life beyond death, by making up stories, or to believe in about a place that eternal happiness will be found. Not to mention, there is also a place we exprience infernal punishment.
Gandalf also mentioned death, Middle-earth style.
When people die, they will go to a place most beautiful. Everything is in glass, and the sand is silvery.
But this is definately not a place we would like to just go there and stay there when we are living.
Many grief about their love one's departure. It is only human to have at least this sense of emptiness.
But we can't grief on the dead, when we have still a long way ahead.
All we can do is mot to grieve further, and believe that they will re-birth and live on a afterlife that they deserve.
199 days and counting...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/27/2003 12:47:00 pm
Merry X'mas
Finally, they are gone. Mono-intake guys retrieve their civillian ID, while the rest of us start to celebrate one of the best X'mas.
I got myself quite a bit of presents.
Other than my new handphone, I got myself into a futher debt.
I bought the extended version of the first two of Lord Of The Rings trilogy. I found them at Gramophone at Specialist Centre. I have always been frequented this store, and I still find it the most credible.
The two DVD titiles had been selling like hot cakes. I missed the first one as sai lou was saying we should buy only when all three are released. But that is a very wrong concept.
They will release DVD, but not this extended version. Limited around the global.
Thanks to the guys at Gramaophone, I got what I want, even though it is Canadian version.
However, admist all these joy, there are others that are less fortunate.
One of my comrade's relative was struck by stroke, during this time to be jolly.
US beef are also suspected to be infected by MCD. (this concern the Malays, and beef lovers around the world at X'mas buffet...)
Lest us pray the help of those people above and make the New Year coming a even better one.
202 days and counting... (can start to count towards my ORD date, finally...)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/24/2003 09:12:00 pm
More Change
(this post was suppose to be up yesterday, but it did not went up due to blogger got problem)
First weekend after having my new bunk. There is only one worry. It is possible that bugger who was confined. Who knows what these people will do when they are bored?
Then again, something postive.
I finally bought my dream handphone. Sony Ericssion T610.
The operation system is very much different from my previous Nokia models (these include the one from The Matrix, that banana phone). Everything lowers in efficency.
On the up side, this will lower the chances of doing the wrong thing. I tends to miss words in messages, send to wrong person, or even delete the whole thing. Now, it also allows me to think properly before I download any thing online. I tends to make lousy choices when I rush.
On the down side, I won't we able to send a message real quick when I really need to.
Next, I just finished browsing the web, and discover an update on one of my favourite singer's website, Hikki's WEB SITE. Hikki (utada hikaru) wrote short messages once a few days on that site, but the overall layout had not changed since September. The recent update had used a lot of flash. Now, this prevents pictures from being 'stolen' that easily. But, the overall is still very clean and simple. Nice.
The main colour is purple. Someone will like it very much (you know who you are...). I had put it on the link. do visit it. (dun be afaird, got a lot of english content).
By the way, did anyone caught the latest Gatsby ad on TV, the one which punk hairstyle models 'clap' their hair (complete with "when you happy and you know you clap your hand" music). I can't stop laughing everytime I see it. It is exactly what I call 拍案叫绝. (sorry, I dunnoe how to explain it in english...). Must see.
204 days and counting... (can finally sing Silent Night this X'mas Eve)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/21/2003 09:45:00 pm
Got Change or Not
Finally, I moved to the new bunk, with the departure of the mono-intake batch.
Now I have got my own bed, with cupboard next to it, and my very own bed sheet. MUJI bed sheet. (yah, u people noe i MUJI super fans wat...)
I got to live with my good old comrades, and not those irritating fuckers. I will not be seeing thei faces day in day out. No more irritating Hip-hop music, no more Indian song, and no more dumb comment from airheads.
And due to the fact that the rest of us left behind are the more discipline lot, we have more freedom. We can sleep till wee hours, as long as we get up in time to do the necessary cleaning daily.
There is night-offs daily. So much so you get to go out so often that you will start to hate night-offs. I can see the wallet on fire everytime I go for nights off.
But actually, we can still be very busy each day.
We have to try our best to sleep our time away... We also try to burn our time before dinner by playing board games, watching TV or even playing video game. But exercise is the last on the list.
But something do not change.
There is still this incuragagible Indian fucker, who extended his service term, due to his detention barrack stay.
There are a few who are like him, but not as nusicence as he is.
And worse still, he will be the last to go! Damn!
So, now everyday he will mingle with that equally useless fat son of somebody storeman.
Damn, why some things cannot change ha?
208 days and counting...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/17/2003 07:03:00 pm
My CD writer is running well now, thankz to the reminder from my comrade yesterday. Just download Ahead Nero and it will detect your CD Writer, even you don't have its driver.
With that, I transfer all the big anime video files in to a few disc, and watch it with higher fluidity on faster system. No more jerks of action during complicated scenes.
I also burn my CD singles collection into a few more CD. Though I still have 10 or more singles to go, at least it will give me an ease when I want to listen a few songs from a different singles.
And conincidently, two of my later CD burned ended with the theme songs of Final Fantasy, namely Faye Wong's Eyes On Me (FF VIII) and Melodies of Life (FF IX).
I am also on my ways to find the website of the Digital-Analog convertor that had been spoil for umteen years. This piece of shit imporve the quality of CD really by a lot.
Just then, the news were saying that Saddam was captured. Man, one less security problem to worry around the world.
Hope all this will work to the best Christmas and New Year so far.
211 days and counting...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/14/2003 09:00:00 pm
My parents had went out to attend a concert tonight. It is an oldie concert. Just the right thing for the old folks.
Even until now, they are not back yet. Singers who can really sing can uphold such long concerts. Idol concerts can only last so long. (this reminds me of Oda-san's concer, which have 3 encores, and i missed 2.5... oweing to Sunday book-in...)
sai lou had went for some treking trip in Malaysia again, climbing this mount by the name of Stong (quite familiar to all my friends who do treking). He still have this NS registration he had yet to complete, and will only be back next Tuesday.
I am all alone now.
I was quite alone even in the the day.
I went to see doctor at Selegie Road regarding my nose problem. Then, went down to shop for toys at Goober Toys in MPH @ Robinson Road. Went down to Mei-di Ya @ Liang Court after that to get something extra for dinner: eel inards. (hey... it's very good u know, famous jap snack, dun come to S'pore often one)
In fact, this is what I always do.
I just wanna do something alone.
It is not like I am being anti-social. I just wanna look at things around me without a second party's opinion or distraction. I need some moments on my own to get a view of things around me. Being in solitude also allows me to ponder about things that had happen. I need such moments to reflect, observe and absorb. This is my special way of living my life.
Please leave me alone sometime. Sorry for any inconvience cause.
212 days and counting... (sysmitrical, things never seems to appears in this way...)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/14/2003 12:02:00 am
Yesterday was a total flop.
My camp had quite a lot of activities going on. First, it was a visit to an old folks' home. It was the most meaningful thing done so far in army.
Yet, it was also the most funny.
An old woman, whom was making weird noise herself, complain that the Indians there are bad. (it sound even funnier if u say it in Hokkein...)
Racism goes every where, regardless of age and environment. (^_^!!!
Next thing on the day, the long awaited mono in-take ORD function.
There were the Music & Drama Company to provide the entertainment, but I think it was the other way round.
The battlion made a fool of themselves by getting in to a small riot after some drunkard gone berserk and things fly around the function hall. Those who were still sober lost their chance to enjoy the full course dinner by giving the dessert a miss, as we had to take cover from the chaos (and I was one of those... I want my yam paste dessert...). It got so bad that the battlion had to go on curfew after the function.
The audience of the function had turned into freak show themselves.
At my shelter (aka my comrade's bunk), we had a talk about the relationship between fiamily members. One has a serious problem with his sister, one he wanted to help but she just refuses.
I really have no idea how bad it could be. My stupid brother had always been on good term. He had been tolerating my madness, while I give him the better half of my attention. It may be a result of my desire for a companian during my childhood, and that miricale(he was the result of 0.1 chance) kid just fill in the gap.
I see more problem between my parents with my brother.
He had reach his rebellious age, and questions the authority of my parents. He dislike more of less anything my parent's over control. He just had this insurance dispute, which lou dao exprience and possble misjudgement had created this bad mistrust in my brother. (sorry the line was in a mess, as the situation is in a mess itself) I myself do not doubt there was a possible foul play, but there was no real proof. Even our family insurace agent could not rule out that the way that the travel insurance of my bro's trip was done in the most correct, though not the best manner.
There was no real correct or wrong over the whole matter.
But what I see is a possible further communication breakdown between sai lou (C:kiddo, my bro's nick at home) and my parents.
He had never been really honest with his feeling with anybody, truly. He always have something up his sleeve, and it not willing to show. There is a possilbe danger in that.
I could not do anything to improve the situation either. I myself have just pass the stage of camp dispute. I still have to tackle the aftermath of lou ma zi's situation. I myself is still battleing my selfishness with the responsiblity to the family.
It is not like I feel helpless. I am moving towards the resolution.
I really need to re-examin the relationship between each of us in order to anything.
That will be a long journey.
One that I must walkthrough.
It is my responsiblity.
213 days and counting...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/12/2003 09:34:00 am
Did my test today. I really hope my luck was around me. I sucked big time.
I could barely surivie through the listening coprehension. They were going so fast!!!
But the rest was alright. I even picked out my own mistake (yah... wow... so great...).
Before I can get my result in the next few months, I will not be stopping my studies in Japanese.
I think Iwill push on and take on the next level (thankz to my comrade's level 3 books he gave me, when i was still at level 4...)
I will strife to be a tri-lingual person.
p.s. there were quite a lot of girls at the test today... hee hee
218 days and counting... (when will it reach 200... getting very impatient...)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/07/2003 06:02:00 pm
kai ye just wrote a note on my tag board. He is really good. He manage to find it even though it is in the bottom of the blog. That mean he read all the post. A big thanks to your care and well wishes. I always aniticipate his card. (even though I ten to forget his birthday very often...)
I will be having this long, long weekend ahead. I will only be returning to camp on Thursday.
But it was after having to return especially on today, while the better half of the company went for their usual long weekend.
I was once again, entasked to do odd job (we rather call it sai gan or shit work in Hokkein). A few other guys in my section (and always my section) were there for today's live-firing exercise, to camofludge the vehicle.
The nature of today's exercise is quite wierd also. Like my friend who have to go back camp early last Sat, it was held for demostration for the visiting Indonesian troops.
There was a big joke also.
One of the targets did not blow up sky high, makeing it look likemit was not hit on target. The Indo army officier make remarks, everyone starts to panic and try to screw out a reason. Silly
Actually, my past two years have made me seen a lot of such events. Unnecessay problem created by people on top.
This might possiblely be my last outfeild nature in the months to come, but this will never be the last encouter of top-level created problems.
And yah, everyone who read this by tommorow please wish me the best of luck. I am taking my Japanese Language Proficiency Test tommorow. I need it.
And 219 days and counting... (a few days later, I move bunk... later, they go away... then, count towards my ORD)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/06/2003 07:54:00 pm
Tommorow is my 22nd birthday.
Yes, I will be in camp, doing COS duty, too. But, it is at least better than last year.
I was at the markmanship test, and I failed it terriblely.
Even though it will mean that my whole day will be occupied tommorow, but it also mean I will be able spend most of my time in the office, with most of my comrades, who will be spending most of their time doing administration work there. I will be away from those bothering idiots of the mono-in-take.
For the start of today, I woke up, brush up, and started cleaning the house. Though not as proficient as lou ma zi, as least it was better off not cleaning it at all. She have been quite crippled seen her operations and treatments. That is the only way I can do to make my birthday more meaningful this year (instead of last years flop, my 21st birthday some more... T-T).
The rest of the day went well. The cake I ordered from The Patissers arrived, and nothing screwed up in camp that requires my immediate return. The small hiccup is only that lou dao almost forgot all about today. Almost. He is on his way home, I think...
Happy Birthday to shuja.
223 days and counting... (too bad i not at home tommorow, or it'll be 222...)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/02/2003 07:12:00 pm