This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
Where I Left Off
I went for my YEP team bonding session at Sentosa, after taking a lift back to hostel by lou dao. In short, the weekend was really short.
And, just as expected, the usual orientation games and such, getting to know each member of the team, or just have some silly fun on the beach. It was until the end of the day, when some serious organisation of task was being done.
And, again, as I wished, I got into the logistic side. Ask me to teach computor skill? I think I might impart the wrong stuff in the end.
Everyone have different expecation for the expedition. Most SMU student are there to fufill thier 80hr community service. The NTU cohoc get nothing but exprience, not a single points for ECA.
In all, this is like starting what I had left off 3 years ago.
I went to Chiang Rai, north of Cheng Mai in Thailand. Together with a local tertiary institute, we built an extension for the village school. Mind you, the village is located on the mountaious area near the border. The people live with basic needs, yet they were the happiest lot of people I had seen in my life so far.
A new and strange learning exprience is ahead. My goal: Be a sponge, learn and retain.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/30/2004 07:53:00 pm
Around Me
I should really find out what is wrong around me.
I find myself drifting away from my OG. Is it my personal space too big, discriminating the people who want to know me better, or just myself hindering my own interaction.
The local cutey still has little words with me, and vice versa, often being one-liner. It is not much better for the others in the OG, and our only topic are merely around school life, like how to do this tutorial, or what are you doing after lesson.
I do not expect I become close friend to all of them. Neither do I want our aquintance to be in such state. My prescene among them during lectures, is almost insignificant. I am, just part of the group.
Here, I do not others ousting me out of the circle. The problem lies with me.
To my OG who had seen this post: Point out what I should improve on to be more approachable, PLEASE. I will accept them without question. PLEASE give me some advice to improve my realtionships with you people.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/27/2004 11:31:00 pm
1 Day at School
Here is a run down of what I do in school normally:
0800 - 1530: Lectures & Tutorials ~ usual school day stuff for today, but almost fell asleep during afternoon lectures... I slept 7 hrs and still this bad... but except Wednesday, which I got the whole day free, and I use it to print notes and play sports with my OG (healthy hor...)
1530 - 1700: Check mail, nap, etc that not related to study ~ just a little relaxing time for my already quite relax schedule so far, enjoying what I still have; went to gym though on Monday with my GL.
1700 - 1900: Do tutorial ~ self-explainatry.
1900 - 2000: Dinner time ~ yaki-soba with pork slices today, korean noodle with beef & kinoki yesterday; met an exchange student from Denmark at pantry just now (female of course), she can do something most girls I know can't: cook, with accesories that blown my pots away.
2000 - 0000: Study time ~ except today, watch Singapore Idol, or else, usually stare at laptop or just continue whatever tutorial or revision I need to do.
There you have it, a daily schedule. But, knowing how where I use time, don't be surprised to see me out of campus. You could see me watching movie one day, SMU doing stuff with YEP group there, or some model kit shop doing job for Anime Club (or buying own kits...).
The day is mine, I can do anything with it. I like the schedule, but I am free to add on stuff I like anytime.
A bit out of control, yet I can control it.
Just another aspect of my contradicting personality.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/26/2004 09:34:00 pm
Silly Start
Attended my first ECA related activities in NTU, the VAS sub-comm night.
Rather silly, played ice-breaking games and telematch. I thought I will only see that in FOCs. My team lost in the end, and had to forfeit. Just not what I wanted from such gathering. If not because of the activities dicussion at the end, the trip would be total wast of time.
And if not because of this Year 2 Cheng-du girl, it could be worse. Damn, she is definately above the Singaporean one I know so far. Anime Club is mainly comprised of guys afterall.
I can only hope it don't get worse when I attend my bonding session for Youth Expedition Project this Sunday at Sentosa
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/25/2004 08:47:00 am
Where I Belong
I went for natsu matsuri organised by Japanese Association Singapore this evening. This was something shuja missed in Japan, due to my incapibility (sorry to my fellow NT). If not because one of them busy preparing his UK school term, I would had ask them tag along.
I had real fun time there, playing games, eating food, and most importantly, seeing Japanese girls in yutaka.
And this is possible because I joined JAC.
Among the group of people, I could easily find a topic that can talk for minutes, and new topics are added on everytime the previous one added. The common love for Japanese pop and trditional culture is truely realised in JAC.
Even the former vice-president said I could easily take post in the main-commitee, if not choosing the wrong post to run for.
Afterall, this is my first choice of ECA, a place I truely belong. I see greater fun in the days to come.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/21/2004 10:56:00 pm
I had been a little slack in blogging this week, 'cos busy with tutorial, going for interviews for various activites.
Moreover, I am waiting for today. 1 year old of my blog.
One year of life had been recorded. Happy, sad, maddening, irritated or anything else. As long as I see it worth recording, it ended up on this blog.
It had served its basic purpose.
However, as to letting others know about me, it seems a little too difficult to achieve.
Nevermind, let this be my own record of my life so far. Let me laugh at myself in the years to come.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/20/2004 12:04:00 am
Green Tea Ice
Green tea ice, or what we would call green tea ice cream, is one of the last thing I ate before returning from Japan to Singapore. I bought it with the money I saved from the tax, and treated my fellow NTs. Even the sweet-disfavoured one also find it nice. The brand is called Soh or refreshing in English.
During my parent's Japan trip, lou dao ate green tea ice everywhere in Kyoto. lou ma zi said he was like holding a cone or a cup every where he go.
Went to Isetan Scotts yesterday. There was this green tea food fest, and ice is no exception. Not only did I found my Soh, I even saw a trukish style ice cream with green tea flavour! Ate my share and started me writing this now.
Green tea ice just bring back good memories of Japan.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/16/2004 04:28:00 pm
Learn Or Else
I had been grudging over my failure to choose for the past few days. I could not sleep early, hence got time to do up the tag board on the blog.
More importantly, I learn my mistake; one that shu-jia must place close to my heart all the time. There is a need to record down as soon as possible, before it blow up in me, or any more wrong is being done.
lou dao had gave warning about this when watching Singapore Idol on Monday. shu-jia did not listen, and hence the wrong choices. I should had weigh the reality and my resources, practically. I know I am good, but is it good enough? Always ask myself this question before making a decision to move on, or else things will get screw up again.
So, for the titles of this week so far: 3 Bad, Bad Choice to Learn Or Else.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/13/2004 08:21:00 am
Bad Choice
I'm back from my JAC election, guess what is the result?
I got nothing. All because I made a choice to run for president, against a former main commitee member.
Together with the titles of my 2 previous post: 3 Bad Bad Choice.
True enough some of the choices I made were bad, and I have done my best. I can't control the end result.
All I can do now, prepare myself to choose the right post to run for in sub-commitee in VAS and JAC in the following weeks.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/12/2004 08:39:00 pm
You see, after seeing the doctor in camous, I realise I have suffer food poisoning from the food at Canteen 14, and hence I missed my SME day.
Next, as I did not receive any call from VAS, I had lost my chance of a post in the main commitee. Not the worst scenario, but it worries me little over my ECA points in total. I can only wish I got into main commitee at JAS, or else...
Friday the 13th is this week, hope it don't get worse.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/11/2004 11:50:00 pm
I normally have a likeing for the number and mulitples of 3, but not for today.
It started out fine, not until lunch time. My OG suggested on going somewhere less crowded, and so, we went to Hall 14 (you guys might want to check the distant from NTU website again). From Main Lecture Theatre at South Spine, we took a shuttle bus to there. but the bus driver was super lousy. He held brake on going down slope, and travel at ant speed up slope. The result, a 5 minute bus ride became 10 minutes. It got worse as I choosed the slowest queue at the canteen. Not only did I delayed the time of my friends, I cause myself to be 10 minutes late for tutorial. Did I mention this is the second times, first time being lost in campus... again? You just know how much I hate being late...
After the first, come the second. Back in hall, I felt very tired, so I switch on my laptop, started some downloading of video files (mainly Japanese TV programmes), and took a nap. When I woke up, I felt feverish. I even vomited a little, and lost appetite for dinner. And after 4 hours, the downloads where at dead speed. I felt better only eatten some paracetamol and went for a big one (aka shit).
Next, filled up some water in the bottle, and I proceed for the Inter-block game. When I went down to the venue, no one was there. Then, I asked one of the people in-charge, then they told me, that the game I play has postpone to Thursday, the same day as my JAC welcome tea-cum-election day. Best of all, my block-rep, my next door neighbour, did not do any amendment to the scedule on the block notice board. Great, 4 ECA points down the drain, unless I was elected for AnimeWorks Chairman, and I would be free on Thursday.
Did I tell you I had no news about my post from VAC till now? The general meeting is tommorow!
Today is a Tuesday of the third week, times together still multiples of 3. What's wrong with today?
I have this feeling tonight is going to be the longest night I have since moving in...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/10/2004 08:39:00 pm
More Than What I Ask For
First of all, for the visitors of my blog: if you have a blog of your own, please put down your blog address (if you are not already on my link) at the Tag board at the very bottom of this site. Thankz.
After being fooled by my own school's professors of a lecture not existing, I went for my 'audition' for Main Commitee member for VAS.
Of course, my helpful OG leader, who is the vice-chairperson, was also there. While chatting about pulling in more people from my OG into the club, by slipped of mouth, I told her that the local cutey is avoiding me recently. I went on telling my GL that even though she is the type of girl I like, I fully understood that she had someone in mind, and I am not the one. The distanting could well be because the over-zealeous groupmates, and even more because of my hints of affections to her, or even just my usual gentleman ways that most Singaporean girls don't get accustomed to. So, my GL adviced me clear it out as soon as possible, before the misunderstanding get deeper, and worsen to threaten the friendship.
This is the lasting I want, but as in how to tell her, I still need some pondering to do.
Next during my interview for project manager, after the one for AnimeWorks chairperson, I met someone least expected. I met that primary school friend of mine that I had always tell others about: that naturally dyed-like brown hair girl. She was in VAS last year, taking up the post of project manager, and hence my interviewer. As the other two interviewers knew that we knew each other, they pushed the task of first question to her. After the interview, I even ask for her phone number, as started chatting about some old friends and old times.
Man, I turned that interview into a reunion session.
I think I really made full use of my 15 minutes there (^_^!!!
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/05/2004 09:16:00 pm
Just as I starting to surivie through my campus life, like understanding my maths after tutorials, doing economic tutorial with more ease than any other subject, despite being a new topic, etc, someone else had also surived her own ordeal.
lou ma zi had got her report on her cancer condition today afternoon. Despite, all those not-so enough rest, due to the neverending choirs at home, and also our wayward ways that worried her, the condition is postive. There is no forenign bodies in her breasts, or any other part of the body. In conclusion, she survied her cancer.
She can definately see my graduation day 4 years later.
Joy to the world. We, survived
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/03/2004 07:15:00 pm
Lucky As Toshiie
Just finished watching toshiie to matsu (Toshiie and Matsu), that set of Japanese Okawa drama with Sakai Noriko as a major character, Hideyoshi's wife O-Ne. That is after spedning slightly more than a month, and had watched 50 episode, with my whole family.
Maybe due to my knowledge of the Japanese sengoku period, this story of Maeda Toshiie, crited as sengoku No. 2, has lost its thrill in me. I seems to know what is going to happen next before I have to watch it. However, it directly created more topic to argue with sai lou when watching the show.
Oops... talked too much, forgotten to tell the story... toshiie to matsu tells the tale of Maeda Toshiie and his helpful, wise wife Matsu. Toshiie, who had served Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, as retainer and loyal friends, had a loving and magical relationship with Matsu. They know each other when Matsu was 4, Toshiie was 14. While Toshiie went to war, the trsutworthy Matsu will take on the job as the state's "internal affair minister", taking care of logistic and relation problem at home. Other than that, she supported him emotionally during times of crisis, and physically by resourcing help.
But Tohsiie ain't just your normal block head who only know how to fight in war. In his teen, crited as kabuki-mono (weirdo), he has great courage and frank to ask Nobunaga to take him in. Even under Nobunaga, often crited as as Demon King, he showed no fear and spoke his mind. His honest nature hence earn him great trust from his lords. As he gain in age, he gained exprience, and had prove himself a very trustworthy man in the age of chaos.
But then again, without Matsu's support and sometime spike, the lord of Maeda would not have gain his sucess. Hence, their story is also know as The Kaga (his area) Million Koku(1 koku of rice can feed i person a year) Story, a lovely story of eternal partner of life.
As I watch the drama, lou ma zi got a lot of thing to say about me. Toshiie had this straight cut nature, one that is very similar to my over-frank nature. She always said that I should be like Toshiie, shed off his headrush as times goes by and learn lessons from what Matsu adiviced him. I cannot agree more with her.
However, why not wish I can find my own Matsu at the same time, and be the No.1 in what I do?
That's if I am as lucky as Toshiie...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 8/01/2004 10:29:00 pm