This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
Thorwn At
2 days to my YEP in Myanmar, 3 days to my birthday(which means this will be the third time i'll be celebrating it overseas).
Just when I managed to round up all my packing, a big surprise poped put: I have to prepare a traditional ethnics coustome.
Where the hell am I suppose to get one?
I feel like I had just got a birthday cake thrown on to my face...
I am prepared to put my heart and souls into this expedition. But if this means having to put on a good act to impress our host, who is going to impress us with their hostipility, that just seems to deviate from my principle: it just doesn't see eye to eye wityh the purpose.
However, after looking back at the fact that YEP is to foster global relations, there is nothing much I can say to excuse myself from being a good 'mascot' for my country.
Just swallow it, as you don't have other choices...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/30/2004 09:51:00 pm
Thorwn In
Went down to SMU again (that's after buying the stuff needed and a new model kit after a long, long time along e way...), this time to pack the stuff needed into boxes, so we can bring over more convinently.
On my way back, I got a bigger picture of why NIE pull out: they were not prepared at all. No recee trip was planned, given that they knew it only after the school term starts, and they did not choose it themselves; NIE took it up. It is totally different from our team leaders, who took the project themselves, planned a recee trip on her own, and had contacts over at Myanmar long before the recruitment of team members start.
The NIE team are literally, thrown in.
That's just another side of the story, and only they know the real reason for quitting. Either way, they had still left it there for some of us to pick it up from where it ended.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/27/2004 10:12:00 pm
There is something I shoudn't be worrying right now: my parents going to Hong Kong is 4 hrs time.
However, sai lou's new system is adding to my woe... he had bought a new set of hardware that's don't seems to work the way it should. The sight of blue dots all over the screen is giving me a major eyesore. If only lou dao is around the next few days... If only I can drive... If only I know more in the area of computor D.I.Y...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/26/2004 11:29:00 pm
I missed out something very important while I will be in Myanmar: SUBJECT REGISTRATION!!!
That means, I will not be able to see my result for my exam also, which will hender me from planning my next semester's schedule. I won't be able to see if I failed any subjects, and can't slot in my 'take away' (if any... and I hope none) to the best possible timing...
I had asked my roomate/comrade to help me, but this just ain't the right way of things should be done. I feel it rather troublesome for others to handle my 'shit'.
Just hope I can plan a rather easy time slot for my r/c to do the job for me, minimising the problem of registration...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/24/2004 04:05:00 pm
No More
Started my week rather busy. Went back to campus to play frisbee, and got kicked out after the first game... I didn't know what was I doing in the game either, too tensed up and confused...
But before that, what would be a normal YEP meeting, had left a little mark for me to think about.
This year, after our projects, there will not be anymore YEP.
Is this project really giving this little back to the society in the end? Had its cost really weight so much more than its benefits?
I can only answer this after my YEP had ended.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/23/2004 11:34:00 pm
I will be going to Myanmar in two weeks' time, and the political situation there seems to be changing to welcome us.
The junta, in views of the ASEAN summit in two weeks' time, decide to release huge numbers of political prisoners and dissidents. It may also released Aung San Suu Kyi in next week from her house arrest.
That is really a big, pleasant shock after the sacking of the prime minister, something that scared the wee out of the NIE team of YEP in Myanmar. Not to mention that our team have to pick up where they left off, which mean more funds and logisitc work to prepare.
The group of NIE students will be teachers after their undergrad study, and will be teaching our childrens.
Do you trust a group of people that have zero courage to eduacate the means to earn a basic living? You will be putting your childrens' eduactaion in a group of people that have no guts to faces drastic changes around them.
I personally... don't.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/20/2004 05:47:00 pm
I received a mail from that NT whom is studying in UK, and I have been thinking about the comment from him. He had noticed a change in me from old times, a change for the worse.
I have become rather materialistic, and possesive over very surfacial stuff, sometime even jealous.
I admited that I had gain some of these traits, sort of survivial tools in my NS days, when every bits of benefits counts. But bringing it out to the real world is not what I wanted it to be.
Maybe it is also becuase I had wanted to buy toys for myself so much, with my own money i.e. NS allowance, I had gone overboard. That's is also the hidden reason why I wanted to work part-time during school weekends, and was seen through by obasan.
To be frank, as compared to many years ago, my collection had grown by ten folds. They had became so overwhelming thatI constantly need to look for places to relocated them. Yet, there is something in me that telling me to buy more, and not be satisfied.
In 2 weeks time, I will be flying off to Myanmer for my YEP, to see a world whose economy is driven by corruption and black markets, while the general public live in a rather simplier life, without so much materialistic enjoyment. Entertainment for them, at the most, is to buy a CD of their favourite singer, or watch a movie in the nearest village cinema. They have no need, or simply no room for other more expensive enjoyment.
It's time once again that I look away from all my materialistic wants, and search for what I treasure most from friends and... myself.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/18/2004 10:36:00 am
Chain of Memories
I have been a great fans of Kingdom Hearts, a gaming co-operation between square-enix and Disney. You see, in this role-playing game, your chracter get to interact in worlds from classic Disney animated features, while playing along side some of charaters from Final Fantasy series.
But trust me, despite its violence level is kept at Disney level, this is no game for your 5 years-old cousin or nephew.
It revolves around rather philophisical topic about souls, body, light, dark and memories.
Here is a few words that got me confused, yet thinking, from its latest installment on GBA, Chain Of Memories:
The diappeared memories
The regenerated memories
And then
Look in the world where you not present
Your dream
To walk the path where you not present
A promise that's been forgotten
In order to do it again
In order to meet the you that waits ahead
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/16/2004 10:13:00 am
wu eng
Finally, back in the mood to blog.
Had a cup of coffee along Orchard Road, admist waiting for the rain to stop. But why in Orchard at the first place?
I was suppose to buy a comic, but had not arrived yet. I came down town also after passing the money to my friend at SMU, who will help us exchange to Burmese currency to be used in Myanmer.
I also was considering of whether to have a hair cut or not. I mean it is not very long, but it's rather out of control. The next time I cut my hair most probably be after my YEP.
I also got a dinner with that Chengdu girl, to return her the box she lended me to hold her piece of birthday cake. You know... that time...
I also decide to go back to campus, because I got this concert in the afternoon, while some YEP admin matter in the evening.
So much time, and so much thing to do. What a great way to start my holiday at home, when I got so much more thing to do in campus.
Just hope that my room's leakage problem is fixed as soon as possible, and I need not run to and fro between home and hall...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/15/2004 05:58:00 pm
Passed By
(i worte something on here initially, but didn't what happened in between that all were gone... no mood to write again... just wanna start blogging after my exam, i.e. from now on...)
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 11/13/2004 03:29:00 pm