This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Reverse effect
Went back NTU to be the 'tour guide' of a group of Korean student from Daegu University yesterday. The group were to sudy in NTU, while most of them speak little or no fluent English... But I had quite a bit of fun when I accompanied the 3 cutest girls of the lot to buy their stuff at Jurong Point (and get a lot of stares from locals, you know, all those Korean advanced dress sense...). To make it more interesting, they ordered Children meals in a food oulet, and was scolded by the local auntie of the outlet in Mandarin, not knowing the irls could not understand a single word.

When having a bit of time on my own, a friend of mine pointed out that she like to listen to depressing songs. Not the lyrics, but the mood of the song.

To me, I like songs which are more encouraging, warm and cheerful.

But when you ponder a bit about listening to depressive songs, there might be an reveresed effect. To realise how sad the world can be, you come to see how fortunate you are now. It does a reverse encouragement to work hard and not to moan so much about the present.

However, that won't be my cup of tea afterall.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/27/2005 10:55:00 am

wah kow
(hokkien: exclamation, with a rough tone)

MTV Chinese is one of my favourite channel on cable nowadays. The amout of J-pop MTV is most appleasing for me.

But there is a series of ad that make me want to shout wah kow.

A stammer, loser in every expect of life ended up as a hit rapper, and goes 'che... che...che.. che.. check it out.. che... che... che... check it out' in a MTVof his own.

A real naugthy kid, who have a liking of rolling on the floor in potest, ended up as a flash dancer that can make his parent proud.

All thanks to the inspiration of MTV channel.

wah kow!

But this is indeed the power of media, and the power to change the mass in minimal ways.

It may not be so far fectched afterall.

Wait till you see me slamming guitar on stage one day, my rage can make me a good rocker...

Yah... in your dreams...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/15/2005 09:58:00 pm

Modern Lazy Parents
Parenting is not an easy job, and bringing little kids along for a train ride could be a big disaters.

Imagine (play the tone of John Lennon's Imagine...) the baby start crying big time on train.

Old school parents will start doing all sort of silly action to coo the kid.

My parents, lazy enough, fed me dried rasins till now I fear anything that got rasin in it.

But today, I found a better solution: handphone ringtone.

A Malay couple use this tactic, and kept the kid quiet all the way from Outram Park to Boonlay (roughly 20 minutes).

Amazingly... lazy...

But I think they won't be the last using this tactics.

May the handphone be with you, parents of tommorrow.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/10/2005 02:43:00 pm

(jap: let the battle begin)

Twice a year, for about 2 hours, I participate in one of the most firey battle in school.

Subject Registration.

Trust me, this battle is not easy to fight. Even with the fastest Internet connection, it won't put you on the high ground of advantage. More importantly, you need luck.

And even more importantly, patient. Believe me, the school has this weird system of releasing vacancy only when the registration time slot had begun in actual. One moment you are out, the next moment, by some miricale, you got yourself a place.

And it is very mentally tiring, even more taxing then taking examination.

Thank goodness I only need to do it 5 more times... I hope...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 6/07/2005 09:27:00 pm