This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
Shall I... Give up...?
I chanced upon a someone.
I tried my heart.
I seem too fast.
I am out of fate.
I catch the wrong time.
I am confused.
I look silly.
I am made fun of.
Shall I... Give Up?
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 7/27/2005 10:14:00 pm
sekai no chushin / 1 more year / good company
Ok title is going to be the most untidy one in my whole blogger life...
Yesterday was 1 so full of event. I started out going out with two new friend I meet in orientation camp, to watch sekai no chushin de, ai wo sakebu (crying out love from the centre of the world), that Japanese movie that I passed by Japan cinema last year, and was a great hit around Asia. While it is a definately a very touching story about how someone can love someone else so much that even when one of them is dead.
While I think the story was not as great as I expected, forcing such an impossible plot on a so normal torpoi, I also think love should not be that way in the movie. Love what is living, caused while lingering the past, all the more we should live our living days to the fullest, and love the one next to us right now to the max. Our job as a living to to make another living person happy, and then to make someone else happy.
Anyway, after watching the movie, I got a phone from lou ma zi, who went for her check up on her cancer condition.
It was a good news, no new cancer cell is found. And she always say, though always deemed as pessimistic by her close friend, she had won 1 more year in life. But I don't think she is being pessimisstic at all. She had been the most positive life for the past 2 years. She is learning new thing everyday, moving on and on in life. What more can you ask from her? I am happy as long as she is contented.
And to end the day, I went for a dinner with my company to ding tai fung, where my 2 new friends have never been to.
These 2 new friend, a guy and a lady, were the greatest companian I can have so far. All three enjoy Japan culture, good food and good company. For the guy, though I meet him in school rather often, but we didn't talk too much. But once we met yesterday, our conversation seems to be endless. For the lady, not only she share the uncommon love of Japan culture, she is a a happy eater, eat a lot, and know what to eat.
In short, good company.
May my days to come will be filled with happy events like these, always.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 7/20/2005 04:48:00 pm
Becoming Hero
Most action films revolve around the heroic rendovous of the story's hero. He is there, he act, and he save the days.
Not my favourite type of movie hero.
Instead, what I would like to see more, is movies like Batman Begins, and a better example, Tsui Hark's Seven Sword. These are movies that tell the audience how the hero become the hero in the end.
I have met the director from a distance once in Lan Tau Airport, and he simpliy blends into the crowd, like any of us.
This could be the reason why such a film is make. Most of us are no heros in our life, yet the greatest hero in our own rights, able to survive in our mortal life. The process of building such hero is often more interesting than the heroic stories of astonding heros.
In short, it is the process, and not the result a hero produce, that is worth our time to learn a thing or two from.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 7/13/2005 04:09:00 pm
(^_^!!!: Chapter Orientation Camp
Many events happened during the orientation camp, and many make me feel so duh, so let's take a look at some of them I remember...
When playing the frisbee game, one of the chap collided with one of my kids. The impact knocked down my kid, while the reverse impact was even greater, causing that chap to perfrom a double back roll on the field... The photographer, a friend and I were dumbfounded, so was the chap when he stood up.
At the same game, another chap knocked into one of my girls on the head, and her eye was little swollen. Later I heard that some of my kids actually caused a girl of the opposing team to hurt her leg rather badly... This year why the kids all so violent one?
During the last round of the same game, after a 2-0 lead, 1/2 time. After a long break, the umpire, former CGL of the opposing them, change the rule and allow seniors to play also. All the seniors on my side knows that the opposing team is afarid to lose the game, and had to resolve to this. While my freshie are doing well on their own, and not want to make the game too competative, my team stay on with the freshie only. After a later 4-0 lead, the umpire call for all senior to play. So, my side were up with all exprience players, and play an all out nonchalence defence. After 2 more minute, seeing that the other team could not have any chance to turn the table, call off the game... kiasu people, so desparate to win, end up losing game points, dignity and face.
One of my kids was a former diver in NS days, and maintain a rather nice physique. Together with his well mannered nature, he was a power station. Starting from one of the girls in another group, to my female GL, they all wanna take a piece of this guy... Man, how come I never got this type of attention.
During the night we stay at campsite, there were rooms with or without air-con. Mine happened to have none. Deep in the night, one of the female from another group, who happen to danced with our 'power station' during the mass dance practise from day 1, moved over from her air-con room to my room, without much of our people notice, and slept the rest of the night in a position under that guy, and only discovered during next day, when she moved up to next to that guy... I wondered what happened.
During the Secret Partner night at Raffles Country Club, one of my fellow CGL almost did a dash to collect food when the dinner begin, and brought back plates of food after my rounds of checking on the freshies and collecting my share. When the dinner finally start, he even wanted to do a meal cheer we normally do before meal during the camp... wah lau, what the fuck you doing at such a prestige location. Some self-respect please.
After the dinner, the camp went off to Madame Wong, a popular club in the SOHO area. Unfortunately, at our side of the club, the music was terrible, not only to my standard (you all know how much I hate loud bass music). The dance floor was no bigger then my living room, and the bash ended on time... It must be boring.
While most of the girls wore the way most local girls dressed up, there is one that was standing out. She was dressed in a Bohemian style dress set, the most in-trend fashion this season (if i am not drunk or see wrongly... she took off something also when the bash was on-going... soemthing inner...)... Man, think there is still hope in Singapore gals after all.
This year, due to the poor atmosphere, there is an all time low casulty rate at the bash. One guy was forced to drink so much that he looked dead after that, but manage to handle himself when time to go. Another case, worse one, is one of the female senior. Due to the same reason, she was going haywire, and start sprouting craps such as I ain't drunk, etc, and start laughing at herself. She is a mild noisy drunk... I was the one seated next to her during the bumpy bus ride, and was fear of her vomitting.
One of my senior-attached, who particiapted in the Secret Partner event reported how bad was her secret date was. She kept trying to find me to talk to her during the night. The next day, she recorded the laughing voice of that guy and sounded like more like a monkey screetch to me... Dude, behave yourself in front of the ladies please.
During the end of camp, the group who's CGL was from last year best group, was pinning high hope on wining the title again, but only sharing a 2nd place with my group, acted hyprocritely in front of the winning group... aiyoh, past is past, don't so spoilt sport can or not.
And after the ailliance in the final water bomb war game, my group and another gorup started to become open ally and jeer and cheer at the reamaining 2 groups. Not to mentioned this was lay down by the 'power station' in my group and one of that group's female senior and freshie who got 'electrocuted', and common in style of CGL. We even took a photo at the end of the day combining our flags and call ourself a new group name... 1st in history, I think.
Ok, enough of water droplets on my forehead, anymore will start a storm already... (^_^!!!
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 7/11/2005 07:22:00 pm
Goal or Process
After months of preparation, the long awaited O-Camp is finally over. With the great luck of helpful group leaders and senior-attached, and super initiated freshie, this is a time to remeber.
But in this camp I see a two diffrent working style that will affect how much this camp us enjoyable to you.
If you are process orientated, where wining or losing is not a matter of concern, games in camp is merely a meanis of getting the freshie to enjoy and have fun. What is more important is how much you enjoy the games itself, and enjoy the companian of new found friends.
But if your goal is really the to win itself, you can only make your life miserable. You will only be tied down by the fear of losing your past and present glory, making more enemy than friends. Not only will you yourself will suffer, your freshie will in the end becomes the prime hate targets, and follow your misarable path of solitude in your future undertaking. While you try your very best to supress the loniness by reminding yourself of past glory, not only will you not able to lift you up, you will all the more feel how low your esteem is.
Obviously, I am not the second type. I want my freshie to enjoy the camp and know more people, 'cos this is their camp. My pride is only a cent worth as compare their satsifaction in this camp. As long as they are happy, so am I.
And winning the game ain't the only way to make them feel happy.
I feel happy after the 6 days.
But I don't think my goal orirentated fellow CGL is going to be happy 'cos they lost the upkeep of their past glory.
None of my concern, loser.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 7/09/2005 10:19:00 pm