This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)

Be Glad...
I am rather dull in my senses of noticing interesting things during exam period, but this is something I must record before I forget.

While I tried not to MSN chat during these days of exam preparation days, I had a chat with the Korean girl I meet during the holiday.

She stay in hostel in Korea now, and whatever problem with neighbours we have here, so do they.

Around 11pm, or 12am in Korea, she was away for a long while.

Guess what, she went for a roll call.

And you though you will get that only in the army...

And our local kids are still sometime complaining how bad their hostel life is.

Be glad you are in Singapore and not get roll call every night already...

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/26/2005 11:21:00 pm

2 Ends, Same Spectrum
Today's paper's cover story included the interview of the person who saw and reported the racist bloggers who were later charged to jail and fines sentences.

This lady, happened to read the blog, and happened to be rather enraged by the comments by the bloggers on the blog and BBS, decided to make a police report over them.

But to look through the rest the interview, this lady also happened to be a victim of racist threatment since young.

Which make her, as compared to those two bloggers, two extreme ends of the same spectrum.

At one end, the extreme inflicting ends, when given the chance, openly show their racial disliked against other, disregarding the consequences they suffer now, though they know such things had been always been there, just that no one dare to do it to their extend.

On the inflicted ends, when being openly rediculed about, do something to fight for their own rights, disregarding the consequence that had just started to surface now, especially so since her prescene is known to all now.

So, both parties are problems created by the unchecked and subtle racial problem that had lurked the society.

We also falls into this spectrum too, just that we tends to be in the middle, possibly laughing at racist jokes, or being laughed at, yet at the same time, we don't really hate people from other racial group. We just recognise we are different in many ways.

There's nothing much we can do on our parts also, especially so as a blogger, where our blog is open to all. Some extreme people may just pop by also.

Good luck to ourselves, and wish that we don't fall into either extreme also.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/09/2005 10:17:00 pm

Feeling It
Do you ever feel a glare, a stare, a peep or a stare?

I personally don't, or at least often enough. I seems to be the imflicting party most of the time.

For example, peeping at a particular girl in the lecture theatre, which the other day, when i turned to takea peep, she seemed to be looking at me also... scary.

For me, I tends to feel passer-by's presence quite readily. So, I more of noticing someone or something is around me, rather than their stare.

Or am I in fact still feeling the stare of others?

Can you even feel a stare, really?

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/07/2005 01:30:00 pm

As you all know, I tends to surf the net even when I'm admist some series revision.

Guess what I saw to give me that sting of exclamation mark.

Try take a look at the official site of Kingdom Hearts II.

What do you see? Jiminy Cricket tell you to type something, go on.

Next the site load, and took eternity to load in school. I don't mind though.

Ok, now, you will start to realise that this is a Dinsney and square-enix (one of the greatest game soft company in the world now... still cluesless? maker of Final Fantasy...) collaboration project, and since this is II, not very ground breaking. But it was 4 years ago.

So, if you explore around the tabs, one of them means World in Japanese. As you can see, the game link different Disney production as worlds/planet in a big universe.

Ok, the line up: Mulan, it's about time they need to recognise its existence; Beuaty and the Beasts, they included Beast one's but not the complete story; The Little Mermaid, same goes with the previous one; Aladin, a claissic, or so to say the regular; Hercules, ok, they only had the Collosium last time round, finally I will know what this one is about, 7 years later....

Not to mention Dinsney Castle, 'cos in this game, Mickey is the King, king of all the worlds, a good guy.

Then, come the stunner...

Willie Steam Boat??? That's like half a century ago? And what? All the character in monochrome? Close to stick like figure? What the...?

Then, after that, you see something familar? That skull... where have I seen it?

OH MY GOD!!! Pirates of Carribean??? Jack Sparrow aka Johnny Depp?(screams!!!) Jeffery Rush? Keira Knightly? Orlando 'Legolas' Bloom!!! (scream to highest peak)

Just when you going to miss all the Pixar productions, they decided to scrap them as Pixar is going independent.

But of all thing, Pirates of Carribean? Man, how on earth they going to find Japanese voice actor to do the voices? When it come out in English version (eventually), are the cast (in production of the 2nd movie) going to voice-over? I mean, they found Haley Joel Osment for the voice of the main character.

And best of all, the game is realeasing after my exam, which mean it won't affect my exam mood.


// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/05/2005 11:24:00 pm

End of a Legacy?
Last weekend is rather packed. Other than doing some tutorial, play my PS2, and also attend a dinner gathering with my club main-commitee at Sushi Tei (which we had to fork out around $20 each), upon reaching home, finally, after 50 weeks, the sequeal of the more popular Gundam franchise in the new millieum, Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, had come to an end. (I shan't include the official website, 'cos it is in Japanese)

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny, which has a worse plot than Seed, had only able to attract me to watch it, if not because of the niche ways that the new mecha design that combines the technologies of the past 25 years of mecha design, including few of my favourite such as beam sheilds and wing porpelling systems, and the very fact that this is after all, a Gundam anime.

And it is because it is a Gundam anime, it constantly reflect the current worldly issue. This time, the issue of human genome modification is discussed, and the main villian wanted to create a world whereby all human will be judged and classified on their capability according to their DNA make-up. One's life role and path is destine by birth. Any changes will need to be done beofre birth, through genetic modification.

The heros' reason against the plan (which happen to be called Destiny Plan), is that if all of us taken away the choice to decide our own future, it is as good as having no future for mankind.

And yes, we homosaipeans are sucessful in evolution because we can choose what we want in life. We can only be called man when we decide how our destiny is, with possible gudiance from people around us, or even those poeple upstairs.

Being sucessfully picked up by the production team of Seed Desinty, I do see the future of tis 25 years of anime legacy.

As long as we fight for a better future, new ethical problem will occur and jeopardise our very future if we are not careful.

And as long as we are able to detect it, it will be the main plot of the next, or next, next Gundam franchise.

May the legacy continues, as we live on for our own future.

// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 10/04/2005 12:46:00 am