This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
Price to Pay
Thinking back about the lost passport incident, you may ask, why am I bringing my passport with me to school?
The reason, I am selected to go for Global Immersion Programme (GIP), which required me to bring a copy of the passport the week before last, and I forgetfully keep it with me even after that.
So, what is that I will be doing for GIP? I will be doing an oversea Industrial Attachment (IA) in companies in China, either Suzhou, Shanghai, or Beijing, and will study a module on Chinese culture.
As this is neither a normal exchange programme, neither is it a normal IA, I will not be getting much allowance, as it ain't the culture in China's companies. This will mean that my family will need to fork out extra money for my 6 month stay there. 2 times to be exact.
And so, I am also obliged to foot some of the expenses. To do that, I will need to take on part-time job in the holiday before I fly over to China in July. I have been sourcing at DFS and Ben&Jerry's outlet as my possible employer.
On the other hand, since I won't be in NTU physically when term start, firstly, not only will I not be able to continue my work in JAC, I will also miss my chance to mingle with the coming group of 180 exchange student, which very likely includes some Japanese students. And of course, I will lost my freedom during this originally 3 month long holiday, which will premptly end in July now.
In order to widen my horizon, I seriously have a great price to pay, literally.
In the mean time, I shan't worry too much about the monetary problem, but steer my attention to my exam this sem, which is less than a month away.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/27/2006 11:43:00 pm
Ought to be Shot Dead
I really deserved a big punishment for myself.
I can actually let my passport slip out of my bag, and only realise it after like 1/2 hour. If not the cafe owner kept it, and a kind soul contacted me through email, I would be in deep, deep shit.
I anticipate more nagging from lou ma zi when I go home tommorrow.
But what I really angry with myself is, that I could actually to be so dumb as to not ask the cafe owner when I was still around the area, and went on to create such a big fuss about it. What the hell you doing, dude, fucking asshole or what? a-ho (Jap: retard).
To make it worse, I actually do have a quiz to worry about, and this matter wasted my precious time of revision, and it's none other than my own fault.
I have to re-read this post frequently, really.
And now, more test of photo format of the blog:

I hope one day I will be the proud owner of this car.
And here are some photos of cloud I took:

This one remind me of the head of a Chinese dragon.

And this a ship. You have to use a little abstract to see it.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/23/2006 09:26:00 pm
Some people who visited here said this place too plain, need some pic and stuff.
So, here I am, doing the 1st post with photos.
The first one, I took it at Jurong Point, the closest piece of comercial centre to NTU. However, if you see properly, this display set is that of NUS Business School. What are they doing? Trying to invade our territory? (^_^!!!
As for the scecond one, it really look like puke... But in fact, this is my lunch today, mutton stomach curry rice. I have a liking for inards, you see.... And in fact, this is really very delicous, and I really mean what I said.
Enough for today... and please don't nag me about the quality... it's all taken from my handphone...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/19/2006 02:19:00 pm
Of All Worries
Exam is closing in, and quizes are just around the corner.
But what I is causing me more stress is my worries of my relationship.
Or is it the other way, where by in sight of exam stress, I find myself of more need of companianship?
This have been like with me throughout my life, be it back in secondary, or when I was in JC.
I feel lonely easily, especially admist the prescene of others who have their own tag.
I will often end up needing to find some thing else to occupy myself, anything except to study harder.
This year, this month, this day, it happen to me again.
How can I ever get out of this viscious cycle? I've got better things to worry than this, do I?
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/18/2006 10:38:00 am
Of All Worries
Exam is closing in, and quizes are just around the corner.
But what I is causing me more stress is my worries of my relationship.
Or is it the other way, where by in sight of exam stress, I find myself of more need of companianship?
This have been like with me throughout my life, be it back in secondary, or when I was in JC.
I feel lonely easily, especially admist the prescene of others who have their own tag.
I will often end up needing to find some thing else to occupy myself, anything except to study harder.
This year, this month, this day, it happen to me again.
How can I ever get out of this viscious cycle? I've got better things to worry than this, do I?
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/17/2006 12:27:00 pm
I went down to the hostel room of my ECA friends to play PS2 after classes today. It ain't suppose to be interesting enough to post a blog about it.
Until, when I was about to go back to my own room, I saw a some thing a lil' biT unusal in the room, and out of curiousity, I asked my friends, who happen to be a couple, how did that happen to be in the room.
I would realise that this is the worst curiosity question I have ever asked.
The male counterpart told me the reason, and I went off, not knowning the female counterpart got angry over that, and a small squimish started off.
He SMSed me about it, and I realised how much a cock I was just now.
So, when I met him up again for running just now, after he had wrote an apology letter to her, I decide I shan't say anything about that matter again.
讲多错多,沉默是金。I better keep this phrase in mind before I cause more domestic trouble among my friends again.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/16/2006 10:50:00 pm
Of All Colour
I have no idea how some female think in their mind.
I told that local cutey, casually, I liked girls to wear blue. I am not sure whether she got that in her mind or not.
But recently, everytime I saw her, she is wearing blue toe nail polish. And just today, she started wearing blue coloured contact lens.
Everyone is free to like a colour, and even if it's my own favourite, it's ain't suyppose to be my problem.
But why does it happen to be someone which I am drifting away?
So beautifully blue, yet so far away...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/16/2006 03:54:00 pm
I've got a crush on the Chengdu gal, and those people who had read this blog enough should had knew I had some small dates with her already.
And so goes the story that I saw a free concert promotion poster today, and wanted some ticket. A very close mainlander friend of mine, who is in high ranking among some of the more established club in NTU, say I can get some ticket from him.
On 1 condition, I have to go on a date.
So, I proceed to show him the photo of the Chengdu gal in my phone, and goes on to telling more about her.
Then the revealation: this gal is really hard to get, even with the confidence he have always have about me on getting a girl at all. It hit me quite hard, and I slip off my step a moment later, and was turn here and there at the library.
In some way, this is bad news, 'cos when she's ready for a date, I 'll have to compete with many others.
However, the fact is that I don't really care. I am still casting my nets, open to any options.
But all and all, thank you so much by making me feel confident of myself, advisor.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/13/2006 09:46:00 am
Wild Wild Wait
I went down to Wild Wild Wet, the only other water theme park in Singapore, which had been open for a long while already. If not because some of my asian, exchange student friends wanna go there, I think I would never even think about it.
And I realise how late is it for me to go there, when I realise I am either surrounded by majority of families, teens (not like I am one as I'm legally adult long ago already...) and tourist.
The games are fun, and since it's unlimited, it really make your money worth.
But the waiting time is crazy. I spent 4 hours there, and ended up spending more than 2 hours waiting in the queue.
No matter one tourist family start making a joke that the place should be called Wild Wild Wait intstead.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/13/2006 09:40:00 am
(Japanese: the best)
After 4 days of work, especially on the first night, where I had really worked like a dog to move tables, chairs and judo tamami to the event venue, this year's Japanese Cultural fest is finally over.
By putting my heart and soul, I feel totally relieved.
Among each day, different problem happened, and as long as they have been sovlved, I don't really care what is the problem. This is something I have learnt, or finally practise out. This make me feel even more proud of myself.
And that's all the thing I will take to my credit, 'cos there are just as many people who had worked harder, if not just as hard for the past few days. First, the biz mag, while creating a hard time for me with increasing vendor, and consistent disappearance when the rest need her, had done her basic job; the publicity, while created some extra manpower need for me, it was great the cafe idea was really making the fest more interesting in smal ways; the very nice financial who really repay the expenses real fast, fast enough to cover my spending after the purchasing of the fest's need; the secretary and vice-president, the lovely duo who had to withstand my sour face each day, while getting their hand busy with the hordes of girls coming to wear yukata; my assitant, who had to share my unorganised workload, and most probably burnt a hole in his phone bill for calling our subordinates, walking around the whole of Singapore to get majority of the things for the fest, and bascially handle more things on ground than me due to my full schedule on the last day; and finally the president, who is so very nice to have gave the go ahead to my many dumb ideas and forgiven me if I screwed up anything.
ありがたい、皆様。君達は最高でした V(^O^)
Thanks for fighting so hard with me for the past few days, and all the more, being my best group of friend in my uni life.
With this group of people, I feel totally relaxed, like back to my own home. I was almost in a no hold bar mode, spounting bad words when the situation got bad, and laughed really very hard when the women in the clubs told the funniest thing in the world. There's no words that can really describe the good time I had spent with them.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/11/2006 09:37:00 am
The week after recess is normally packed with quiz and project deadlines.
In terms of this area, it's seems to be better this semester, though there's 3 quizes, all mt projects had been done way before the recess ended.
To be frank, I am busy this week of something out of school.
Frist, I got so blown away by Shizuka's ice-skating performance, I ended up looking for video clips whenever I go online. In another words, I'm stuck to my computor in hall... (^^!!!
Then, I installed, not 1, but 2 new MMORPG on my computor. More reason I'm almost suicidal for my on going quiz.
But lastly, which I am very proud to be busy with, is tackling the planning of Japanese Cultural Fest. I've got to make something out of nothing for the games, while I have to keep up with what I think is everchanging number of sponsors, catering to their stall space need. There is also the worry for not enough people coming to run the event from my sub-comm.
However, what is more fulfiling than the fact that you are putting your heart and soul into something you have so much passion in?
I don't mind being packed, as long as you don't ask me pack away and get out of my job.
All the best for JCF.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 3/04/2006 06:48:00 pm