This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
5 months I had stayed at my apartment in Beijing, and the only urge is pushing me to go home early, is anything but the city itself, but one of the dumbass housemate.
I mean, there are irritating people among the 14 of us in GIP4: there's some big missy type who thinks everything revolve around her; there's some stubborn one that you can talk no sense into them; there's also the anti-type, who always goes against the authority, which is your's turely. But none of which is as 'remarkable' as this idiot I live with.
This idiot is the so-called monitor of our batch of GIP, big deal... From the 1st time I met this person at the pre-departure talk, I have this feeling I won't be seeing eye to eye with him: he on his own initiative, created a contact list, and this lead to him being the monitor. He did a good job at the end of the day, but I am not thanking him with my heart.
Fine by me, someone siao on to take care of all the shit.
At the airport, he act as if he is like the caretaker of all of us, shake hand with my parents. Very polite, or should say, extra. He is trying to be outstanding. Go ahead, I don't care.
But the worse part about this idiot, is the way he take care of his living envrionment. He can survive on a toilet that have not been clean for like 2 month, and in the end, it was the other guy who share the same toilet who washed it.
Also, if not that I vaccum the place each week, the flat will be a dust ball. This is mainly cause by him wearing his shoes in the middle of the living room every morning.
Some kind of bloody idiot, tell people he is like being treated strictly at home, blah blah blah, FUCK YOU. He is like telling dumb joke each day, and making scarstic remark on me when I did not clean the cupboards 1 week when I was away for trip.
To beat the final line, he actually dare to call me by my baby name. It was lucky for him that I kept my cool, and did not tore him apart when I got home. I swore I can only allow it tobe called my by parents my aunts (which they seized to do so already), my girlfriend and my wife, ONLY.
For the past 28 years, this fucker by right went through more than me, but the fact is, he has learnt nuts.
Back in S'pore, he stay at home, not in campus, so it is natural he simply fuck-care about housework. Back in his army days, he was a signal spec, so he received no true hardship in his NS life also.
I am not surprised he had turn out to such a goon these days.
Let this be a reminder to me on how to raise up my child in future, and not produce an idiot that eeks more people around him/her.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/12/2006 10:52:00 am
Naming Memories
I saw the MSN nick of a friend of mine, she had changed her name delibrately to a new name I did not know her as, and wrote the reason in it recently: she wants to move on.
This is what I had done. I am known to different people of different stage in my life as different name.
When I was real young, people simply call me 展宏 (pronouced as zin wang), as this is my name I am born with. This is the name that have marked the very direction I will proceed in life, and I am proud to do so.
Once I am in Singapore, I give myself a new name, Alex. I simply picked it up form the dictionary. It starts with 'A', and it is the same letter that starts lou dao's English name. It marked a new stage of life as an immigrant, a time when I feel different, but got into it well, with the great help from my teacher, Ms Jacqaline Tan, and the many primary school classmate I had.
Next, when I was in secondary, my English cum form teacher do not acknowledge my name of Alex, 'cos it's not on my IC, and I was forced to use the name of Chin Wang (which will take a genius to get it to be 展宏... all thankz to the screw up British colonial government who think they so clever to set up a standardised naming system, so say lou dao). But among the rest of the school, I am known as the dreaded name of Zhanhong, the mandarin pronciation of my Chinese name, without the understanding of the meaning of the words by most. It had marked the 1st downfall of my life, to be an outcaste. It had came with bad omen the first time it was being called during my 1st Mandarin lesson in primary school, whereby I did not know my teacher was calling me.
These two names also marked my 2nd depression, the fucking NS days. I will only be known as this on my uniform, and on all the paper work. I really do not want to rant about it anymore; I had done enough in the past 2 years.
Next, I moved on, and got myself a new identity, alez (no caps... if possible). It accompanied me for some of the most enjoyable time of my life, be it during Junior Colleage days, or right now in NTU, where I yarn for each coming days. I tends to forget about my name of Zhanhong or Chin Wang. I will rather you call me 展宏, be it Caton or Mandarin, rather than THOSE two names.
While most of my long-time friend are not adjusted to calling me alez, especially my great friends from secondary days, I have a strong point to use that.
Call me a esacpist, I don't care.
Just like there's a name for each season of the year, there is a different name for each stage of my life; The name I am known is my testimonial.
Memories may fade, but something as simple as a name should not, and it will tell me what kind of life I had walked through.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/06/2006 10:11:00 pm
Joe Hisaishi

A great night I had, thankz to the great music from the renowed Joe Hisaishi/久石譲 (see here also), famous for doing all the wonder soundtrack for Miyazaki Hiyao /宮崎駿.
The concert, is a concert that features his own new album, Asian X.T.C., a collection of new works that includes main-theme for Korean, mainland China and (most astroucious... I think, but might consider seeing later...) Hong Kong movie.
As a result, the fan-favourite Laputa theme was off the track, and many fans woes about it. But, I must still say... 疲れ様でした、久石先生...
This is especially true, 'cos I know about his own music more than those from Miyazaki Hiyao 's works. I've got an album of songs consisting of soundtrack from other great Japanese film auetur, and I have been listening to it for the past 2 years since university start.
Say, why don't not whine about not playing enough song from Miyazaki Hiyao 's works, instead, learn about who Joe Hisaishi is.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/02/2006 11:36:00 pm
I was reading the blog of that beautiful stranger I met from PKU, she had a post to record all the happy things she had done that week, like cleaning up her room, able to take a afternoon nap, going to dinner with her boyfriend and his mother, etc.
Seems like any normal blog post, but the 1st line of the post put me into some thoughts.
"It's not good to write when you are happy"
From her point of view, a Chinese language student, it's really a matter of professionalism and artistic element. It is also quite normal for an emotional person like her, after reading so many post on her blog.
To me, what's wrong with that.
If you see your blog as a place to rant about how sucky your life is, may be, but I don't advice anyone to do that, 'cos I think the blogger will go bonker soon enough (^A^)
I see my blog as a place for my friend/family to know me, a place for me to look back 10 years down the road. I want to record all of the things that had impact on me, events that have shaped me to who I am .
This is my record, recording every single drop of water that have fill my cup of life.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 12/02/2006 09:38:00 am