This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
"Everywhere is yes
Everything is yes
Every day is yes
Every night is yes
Every time is yes
Every soul is yes
Everybody yes
Everyone say yes"
The chorous from The Diving Line by Lori Finel. It will take me sometime to understand the essesne of Yes.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/24/2007 07:28:00 pm
Wrong Target
OK, finally this year, I got a different lot from Guan Im Tang, telling me things will get better finally.
But, I think it got too good...
Went for my family-friends' grandmother's birthday party, an yearly event. I really appreciate them inviting us all these years, make us feel belonged in their family.
By right, nothing special.
But, one of my friend's little cousin, a 9 years old gal, came up to me suddenly, and asked me question like how old am I, do I have girlfriends, etc. She seems very interested in me, when I did not even talked much to her for the whole night.
I said before, I wanted to find a wife that is as capable as Matsu Maeda, but I didn't say that I want to find a wife who have as much, or even more, age different between Toshiie Maeda and Matsu.
Things just little too good for me today... Let's hope this goes on for the rest of the year also.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/23/2007 11:12:00 pm
New Year Get Together
4 days of Lunar New Year celebration was over in the last weekend.
On the eve, I actually went out to do last minute shopping, getting a spare charger for my handphone... I did not bring it back from hall...
As usual, it's just as boring and politic filled during the 1st day's 'party' among the Hong Konger. If not of the cable TV and my long time friend around, I would have burnt out the battery on my handphone.
On 2nd day, I graced the visit of foreign student, which is just as interesting as any other year.
3rd, visit my old neighbours, and also be visited by the Kohs.
Basically, lotsa travel, lotsa catching up, but very little ang pao.
The thing is, in the modern aspects where by seasonal changes merely marks the change the clothes we wear, the Lunar New Year has become a time to get together, an excuse to catch up with people you don't see often, or even people you though you lost contact with.
The New Year always make it a point to call that someone on the last of your phone book.
And I certainly hope to do some catching up with my childhood friend, whom the rest of Hong Konger ousted her family out due to stupid adult politics.
Let's make it a great get together in this spring festival.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/21/2007 09:58:00 pm
Baking is a Science
Big title, and it did not come from me, it came from the teacher from my baking lesson last Sat.
Indeed, unlike cooking, whereby even with the same quality of ingredients, you may still need to varies in taste in your food.
This is not the case for cakes and pastry. Unless you make changes, following the same formula with the same ingredients will make you the same as what you get. That's why, I took pictures to allow future reference, like the one below.
But the important things is that you need to have the same ingredients, and the same formula.
Like science, baking is an experiment, requiring a sort of consistency.
But like any science, baking is still an art form, to be admired, and can only acheive the best with creativity, like this sample cup cake done by the teacher.

And like science, it will always stay relevent, like the old school wafer flowers that decorated the cup cake.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/12/2007 11:14:00 pm
Dining Table: The Happiest Places in the World
To return the warm hospitality shown by my friend from ShangDong, my family treated him to a meal at Ristorante Da Valentino off Rifle Range Road.
The food is definately nice, but the service is also another factor that worth the money. Follow the reccomandation of the senior waiters, and you are sure to have a good meal.
And very fortunately, the Italian owners's family is also in the restaurant tonight, and the lady showed us some glimpse of Italian hospitality, espeically the lady boos (i guess?), who impressed us a lot with the motorised pepper grinder, with light, which in turn got lou ma zi to start many conversation with.
The thing is, the Italian lady was very happy to see the way we enjoy the food, and enaging in very lively converstations, even though she don'y understand us fully (and it's amazing to see lou ma zi chat with her also...).
She asked lou ma zi if we were having some function, but of course we are not. We are just enjoying our food, good food, of course.
I mean, dinning with good company is also a joy. To share a great abundance of savory food, it just top up the happiness. I just can't imagine families eatting their dinner and the atmosphere is totally stale.
The dining table should always be the happiest places in the world. So, blessed that you have one at home, and may it bring more joy to you everyday.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/04/2007 08:55:00 pm

A photo of what I cook for dinner you just saw.
Look carefully, it's pasta, and I am eating with chopstick.
I know it's rather rude to the pasta to eat it straight from the pan and not using proper cutlery, but this demonstrate my love for cooking, even if I don't have the best equipment with me.
I feel very fortunate I was raised in a family that had trained me to be so selective in terms of taste. I have no idea how some people living in hall can eat canteen food 24/7, 3 meals a day.
Of course, I won't be cooking a storm if not of the superb ingredients prep by lou ma zi at home weekly.
But, the thing about cooking, it is not actually as troublesome as it seems, especially in hall, where there's people to clean up the mess the next day. Bring a good pot or pan, go to the supermarket in campus, if not, go to NTUC to get the ingredients. Season a little, switch on the fire, and there you have it, a no-so-sumptuous meal.
The problem is, how many are diligent enough to do it everyday?
I admit, my single status had indeed created a lot of convenience, as I need not bother about the taste of one more person, but the essence lies in my cooka-holic nature, my love to cook.
The only regret is that I don't have someone to share this love or someone to enjoy the fruit of my passion with.
But no matter how, I will cook on, for myself, and someone else when that person come into my life.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/01/2007 08:06:00 pm