This blog is all about me, and anything about me. Be prepare to be loaded with lots of food, movies, music, grumbles and even some foul language. This is the place for anyone who knows me, even on the most superficial level. Enjoy and hope you know me better each day. (please adjust your display setting to Unicode)
For the past 2 weeks, up till today, my life is about writing report, writing report, and writing report... nah.... but at least the main bulk of life that is.
The last holiday of my uni life have started, and the deadline of the report is this Friday, so, really gotta rush. Fortunately, I got it done as planned today, and allow some time for my mentor to look through before I submit for marking.
In the meantime, quite the usual way of spending my ressess week, going no where, stuck in Singapore.
One of the reason, thanks to SAF for holding a stupid event on the opening weekend of the holiday. Fortuantely, it was only a 2 hour of reporting back to camp, if not I would missed my meet-up with my friends from the Myanmar trip.
And the meet-up, it is pretty much eat, chit-chat, eat and more eatting. We went to one of the guy's place, then stayed there till 11+ then go down to Jalan Kayu to eat supper again. No matter why one of my friends suggest to have a healthier outting of going to the Treetop Walk next month.
It's was also quite an unhealthy day for my wallet, 2 trips to and fro for the camp shit, and 1 more after the supper...
And this is how's my holiday so far, now, let's backtrack further, to the week before that. The highlight is now on my photo blog also. If you care to notice, I had a lot of pics of frozen steak recently, why? Simple, food supply of the week, requested by sai lou. For some weird reason, he can do very good steak, and was even cooking for his friend last week. And coincident, NTUC is actually selling very good beef recently. As a result, I had real good meals during the last 2 weeks, 1000x better than what I would get normally from the hall canteen.
Talking about hall canteen, I finally gain a reputation at the canteen, by always making a request for extra fried lard in my noodle. It is the only thing I will happily at at my hall canteen afterall. I can't imagine my life without it...
Before I knew it, I am doing reporting here also... sigh.... I am destined to type a lot this last and final ressess week already...
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/25/2008 11:08:00 pm
How I Sabotaged My Interview
Met the 2nd person who got it to Toshiba's 3rd round of interview, one who is even clueless that the Japan trip is totally sponsered. In all, this make it a 2 out of 3 other people I know who got the job.
And the biggest revalation is how I screwed up my interview.
All the 3 aquintance I knew, brought along a laptop to help them in the 2nd round, something I did not, and I regretted it very much.
I don't care is it of luck, or really they excel better than me in other ways, I had just sabotage myself by not bringing that very important thing that is essential to all good presentation.
All and all, I had spent 3 post on this matter, and by making a full circle of 3, I better learn something from it, or risk screwing up more job interview in future.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/12/2008 02:39:00 pm
Back to Square-1, hopefully a Happy New Year
1 week has passed after my second round interview with Toshiba. Some of my aquintance had already got their call for thrid round already. So, I guess I am rejected after all.
This mean, my shortcut to fufilling my dream is trampled on.
Then again in less than 1 Chinese hour's time, it will be the new Lunar year. Many horoscopic programme and speculation has said that I will be on a run of love life.
So, that may explain why my job hunting life sucks.
Nothing much I can do now, except study for my quiz, complete my project report, and send out more job application. Moving on is the best way to get back my foot hold, i guess.
Happy Lunar New Year to one and all, and may it be a good year of job hunting for me also.
// sprinkled by wing_0 @ 2/06/2008 10:56:00 pm