When 2 person fall in love, they often see the brighter side of each other. Everything is good, even digging your nose. But as they know each other longer, things change, even a simple brush of hair can be irritating.
And if they start living together, things can turn to another end.
This will be a problem for my future spouse also. I tends to have a hot and shot temper, and I don't normally show it at the beginning of any relationship. It's normally those really close to me, like my family member (no lady has known my wraith yet... because I was single all along), find it just totally irrational at times, making me an occasional irritant at home.
And if I don't manage it, it could be the end of my marriage in future.
I mean, saying something, giving casual comment could be easy. I always say that I don't mind my girlfriend hang out with their guy friends once in a while, but will it really be the case when it's my turn to handle such things, being put right in front of me.
And all this takes time, and the time won't be anytime soon for me.
Disasters struck in 2 places I had travelled to during my undergrad years, Myanmar and China.
Almost 3 weeks had past, the situation in Myanmar is still not looking good. All the fund raising done overseas, all the relieve materials, all these are not really getting to the people that are affected.
In China, the quake had destroyed the main access to the affected area, and the rescue is slow down greatly because of that.
But is this really a matter of physical constrain? Not quite.
In the case of Myanmar, they refuse foreign aids because they do not want the foreign power to be glorified to some sort of saviour in the country, and fear it will threaten their support form the people.
As in China, now being a Olympic nation, it will be rather a face-loss for them to get help immediately, and this left the situation in a rather delayed one, now that foreign aids are flying in finally, including Taiwan and Singapore.
The reason: Pride.
However, when the death toll is mounting in 10's of thousands, what is more important? The Chinese was a little more fortunate in this case.
May the lives of those in Myanmar be bless in some way or another, and survive through the ordeal to face the bigger ordeal that will follow.
First of all, I am officially jobless. I made my choice to not go into the semi-conductor industry, and I am the 50% of the cohort that is not getting a job.
But, I am not going to moan about it.
Life is reaching a new stage, and it can be just be as simple as changing from spectacle to contact lens. It may take time to get used to it, but eventually, you will, and you just have to commit to it and get used to it.
More importantly, smile on.
Among the acquaintance and friends I met, often times I did not leave behind a good first impression. My unsmiling face is the very barrier between me and the rest of the world.
While in school, I can still get the chance to play around a little and let others know me better in the process, this won't be the case in the next stage of life.
While putting on a more refreshing smile will be good, all the more I will need to brighten up myself from inside. Gone will be the days of Dress to Kill, Dress to Impress will be the new motto in life. All those fashion mag I buy every summer, it will still be useful, only as a reference of knowing what's the world around me, and also for sai lou to get ideas to learn how not to undress. It is not about the look anymore, it is about the attitude, how I bring myself out, and how I use it to complement my own skill.
To end it all, while graduating, seeing exchange students going back home can be a crying matter in the season of parting, there is always a better way.
Laugh away, smile away.